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Jayda POV

"Jayda come on girl you gotta get to school!" My mom said from the stairs

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"Jayda come on girl you gotta get to school!" My mom said from the stairs.
"Aight ma! I just gotta do my hair!"
"Girl get yo a** down here you've been late too many times! I'm not about to go to court for yo butt.

I love my mama but I swear she's so extra. I ran downstairs and got the keys to my car.
"Bye mama! Don't forget I'm going to that G herbo concert tonight."
"Okay girl this yo 5th time telling me. Get to school!"
I ran out and got in my car and drove to my school.
-At school

I walked in and my best friend Deja seen me and walked over to me.
"Hey pooh. Ready for tonight?"She said smiling
"Oh most definitely & if I'm lucky.. G herbo might take me home with him"
We both laughed because we knew that wasn't about to happen.
"Girl bye. Anyways after school go home & Get ready because we gotta get on the road."
"Aight bet. I'll see you in 3rd."
"K bye hoe love you!
"Bye b*tch love you more!"
-After school-
I went home to get dressed I put on this cute jump suit and straightened my hair. Then I waited until 8:00 for Deja to come get me.
"Bye mama! I'll see you later!"
"Bye boo. Text me when you get there!"
"Okayyy!" I ran outside to Deja's car and it took us at least an hour and thirty minutes to get to the concert. We had front row seats & I was so geeked to get in there! We walked in & showed the guy aloud tickets he checked them to make sure they was valid. We went in and got to our seats...

R ide for you D ie for you Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora