Chapter 21 - Empty Space Replacements

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Chapter 21
Empty Space Replacements

A/N - I'm sorry the timing for the update sucks ): My school thought it was a good idea to start the year off with a ton of work, so I've been quite busy. But, this will be the second to last chapter, next chapter being the last! Thanks again for support dears! (:

Bailey Keys was seriously the only thing my brain would focus on.

It was quite ridiculous honestly. I wasn’t one to dwell on girls like this, especially ones who kept bringing me down. I knew it was mostly my own fault. I was the one decided to be with Leslie, and I’d betrayed Bailey’s trust in me more times than one. I just wish there was some way I could fix it all and make amends again.

I couldn’t just let a girl like that go. She practically held my heart in her two small hands and she didn’t even know it. Even just looking at me with that face filled disgust and eyes filled with distrust made my heart fall to the depths of my stomach and my facial features cringe at the thought. Seeing her like that at her door a few days ago made me feel sick, and I constantly kept cursing myself for even making her go through all of the things I have since the day that I met her.

It really was my entire fault.

I’d spent the majority of my days at school, since college was starting. Even though I could barely concentrate on the lectures and notes on the slides, I tried my hardest to make her leave the confinements of my mind and push school in its place. It was really the only thing I could do without making myself feel like complete and utter shit.

The times that I wasn’t sitting in class and absentmindedly letting my thoughts wonder, I was at Aaron’s house, eating all of his food or participating in a battle for a video game, just so I wouldn’t be left alone with my mind. Aaron tried his hardest to get my mind off of the whole thing, but it was no use to me.

I didn’t even know what to call our fight. I didn’t know if it was a break up, or small fight that I thought we could get over and stay a couple. I couldn’t even call us a couple if I wanted to, because we’d really only lasted a few days before ending it all at the foot of her doorstep. The entirety of the situation was difficult enough for me to decipher, let alone dragging my mother or Aaron into it.

My mom would sit at dinner and continue to ask me night after night why Bailey wasn’t at the house, and I would always reply with a simple, ‘She’s busy tonight.’ When that became an every night thing and my mother finally figured out that I was lying, she sat me down and asked me what really happened and I couldn’t lie to her anymore. I told her everything I had done to Bailey as she sat and listened with a grim look on her face.

“Why haven’t you tried to make it up her, Evan?” she cooed, placing a firm hand on the table.

She seemed quite outraged that I let a girl like Bailey slip from my fingertips, but she only mirrored how I felt about the events before me. I felt just as angry and upset as she showed.

“I tried,” I sighed, placing my head in my hands. I let out something of a mix of a frustrated sigh and a heavy growl.

“You haven’t tried hard enough. Do you know your father and I went through almost the same exact situation you two are having?”

I lifted my head and widened my eyes a bit. “You did?”

She simply nodded before continuing. “You see, you’re definitely your father’s son,” she winked. “He had such a terrible time letting others in. He thought he was too tough for emotions and just carried on his life being a stubborn, hard headed man like yourself.”

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