Chapter 10||Some needed rest||

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No one's p.o.v

They had worked hard since their debut without a real rest. Their manager was so proud of them and thought that they needed a pause. They are just boys after all and being an idol doesn't mean that they had to work all the time. They needed some rest and that was what they got.

Jin p.o.v

I woke up in the morning feeling relaxed. (It was nice to know that we didn't need to do anything just relax and softening.) I sat up in my bed and looked around. Namjoon was sleeping softly in his bed. (I and Namjoon had become really close lately and the other members teased us. They called us the mom and dad of the group and it kinda sued. I cooked the food and Namjoon looked after everything, like training times, fan meetings, regular meetings and things like that. He was a great leader for the group.) I sneaked out of my bed and into the bathroom. I stripped off my pajamas and went into the shower. Without thinking I started to sing in the shower. (I loved to sing in the shower. It made me happy and it was a good way to start the day.) I took some high notes and totally forgot that Namjoon was sleeping.

After my shower, I put on some clothes and went back into the bedroom. I sat down on the edge of my bed and started to play with my phone.

- Your voice sounds so amazing, someone suddenly said. (HOLY SHIT!) I screamed a little and it felt like I jumped up in the ceiling. I look at the person who obviously was Namjoon. (Did I wake him up?) He chuckled at my reaction and I felt embarrassed. 

- Sorry for scaring you..., he said and looked down. (Why did he look so guilty? It was probably my fault that he woke up in the first place...) 

- No need to be sorry... It was probably my fault you woke up..., I said softly.

- It's okay, Your voice is one of the best alarm clocks I never heard before, he said and smiled at me. I felt my cheeks burn a little. (Great... Now I'm blushing...)

- What are we gonna do today? I asked Namjoon.

- Chilling... I guess, we have free time in some weeks so we can do what we want, Namjoon answered with a soft smile. I nodded and laid down on my bed. (I loved the free time we got but I didn't really know what to do on it. The days could get really boring some times.) After some minutes, I and Namjoon went downstairs to prepare breakfast for the others. I started to fry some pancakes. 

- Can I help in some way? Namjoon asked me. (Hmm... I don't want him to set fire on the kitchen but I guess he can set the table and hope he doesn't break anything.) I looked up at him and smiled.

- You can set the table but don't break the plates, I said to him. He nodded and giggled a little. When we were done we sat down and waited for the others. The others didn't come so I decided to do what I usually do.

- BREAKFAST SLEEPYHEADS!!! I screamed. Namjoon looked at me shocked and I just laughed. (If they don't come now are they deaf)

Jungkook p.o.v

I woke up hearing Jin screaming that is was breakfast. (Ughh... Why can't we just sleep?) I sat up and saw that Tae was still asleep. (This boy... I need to wake him up almost every morning. But I didn't mind it at all) I stood up and went forward to Tae's bed. (Hmm... How am I gonna wake him up this time?...... I think I know.) I smirked and crawled up beside Tae in his bed.

- TaeTae... Wake up, I whispered in his ear with a husky voice. I saw him shiver and I chuckled quietly. He slowly opened his eyes and widen them when he saw me close to his face. (Maybe I'm a bit to close?) Tae looked like he saw a ghost but he was red in the face instead for white.

- Are you okay Tae? I asked a bit worried. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

- Yes... You just s..scared a little, he said and laughed nervously. (This is kinda werid...) He sat up and looked like a scared puppy. (Did I really scare him that much?)

- Its breakfast, I said and smiled at him

- Okay, I'm gonna take a shower you can go downstairs, I'm coming in a while, he said and hurried into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. (Why did he act so strange? Have I done something wrong?) I did like he said and went downstairs to the others. In the kitchen were Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Hobi. (Wow... Yoongi isn't here yet...What a "surprise") 

- Where is Tae? Jimin asked me.

- He's coming, he just took a shower, I said and looked at him.

- Before breakfast? That's a bit werid, Jin said and looked at me confused. I just nodded to respond. (Believe me Jin, you're not the only on that thinks that. He usually takes a shower after breakfast but never before.) We waited a bit and soon Tae came into the kitchen and sat down. Some minutes after him Yoongi came too. Tae looked a bit flustered. (What are he up to?)

- Hey Tae! You okay man? Hobi asked. (Exactly are you okay? I wanna know...)

- Oh... heh... Its nothing I'm okay man, Tae said and showed a weak smile. 

- Okay... Let's start eating, Hobi said a bit confused and we started eating our breakfast.

||Time skip||Evening|| 

Namjoon p.o.v

I was in my room looking on my phone. Under the day had we going shopping. (It was a bit boring but others seemed to enjoy it so that made me enjoy it too. Jin and Jimin were the most excited and Tae half died when he saw a Gucci store.) The day had gone by fast and I was now waiting for Jin to come to the room too. (I had thought a lot about what Hobi had said about the tension in the house and... I'm gonna ask Jin about...) I waited for some more minutes and then he came. He smiled at me and sat down at his bed. (Just do it...)

- Jin..., I started already feeling nervous about it.

- Yes Namjoon, he said and looked at me.

- You know how Hobi always talking about the t..tension in the house... Do you feel it? I asked and fastly looked down at my lap. (He's gonna hate me for this... I know for sure.) I slowly lifted my head and saw Jin looking pretty shocked.

- Actually... some kind of strange feeling at least...I have seen it between some of the guys, Jin said softly and gave me a small smile. (At least he doesn't hate me...)

- Me too... the tension can be big some times, mostly between Yoongi and Jimin, I said and chuckled. He also chuckled.

- Haha and Jungkook's face looks like it's about to set on fire some times when he is with Tae, but today was it Tae who burned in the face, Jin said and started to laugh. We talked about the others and their tension. It was really funny to tease them when they didn't hear. Jin and I talked for like an hour before it was time for bed. 

- We maybe should prepare for bed, Jin said and smiled at me. (His smile is just so beautiful, I wish I was brave enough to say it but... No, I wasn't.) We went and brush our teeth and changed to pajamas. We laid down in our beds and I stared up at the ceiling. 

- I thought about it a little... but why did you ask about the tension? Jin asked. I panicked a little and was so happy that he couldn't see my face right now. (I can't tell him the real reason...)

- Ehh... just a funny thing... I mean Hobi talk about it all the time so I just thought it would be funny to hear your option about it and... yeah, I said a bit panicked and nervous. (Please I beg... that he didn't hear how panicked I sounded!)

- Okay... Goodnight Joonie, Jin said. (He actually gave me a new nickname just like that... this boy... he is just amazing.)

- Goodnight Jin, I said and smiled a sad smile. I heard him snore softly and I chuckled quietly. 

- I wish I could tell him the real reason for the tension thing... But how could I tell you that I feel a tension between us..., I whispered and sighed. Soon I slowly fell asleep too.

No one's p.o.v

-! Jin whispered shocked.

The thing Namjoon didn't know was that Jin wasn't asleep and that he had heard what he said about the real reason...

To be continued... ;)  

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