Just as he's about to take his next shot when several loud and rowdy men walk through the door. "SIMMS" the yell. Peyton looks over.

"Hey give me a minute."

They meet him half way and a few times I see them glance me up and down. I'm a little uncomfortable at the fact and I hate it. I've never been uncomfortable when someone has checked me out because I knew it could never happen since I was happily married to Matt, so I always just took it as a compliment.

But now, I don't know how I feel about it. I certainly don't blame them because I'm pretty confident with my 5'8 height...5'11 in 3 inch heels, fitted curvy body, and long wavy brown hair. Matt always complimented my busty rack and tight ass.

Peyton seems pretty engaged in the conversation and they start laughing and joking. I think that's my que to go. I grab my clutch and wave over the waitress. I slip her $100 even though the few drinks I had, didn't even remotely come close but I wanted to leave right away. I tell her to keep the change and she lights up as if she hits the jackpot.

I spot another exit door and walk over to it and try not to be seen skipping out on the game. The warm August air hits my face and I quickly walk over to my luxury rental. I unlock the door and open the door when a hand grabs the door from the other end. Peyton looks annoyed.

"Why did you leave? We weren't done yet" he says feisty.

"Really, Peyton? Go back with your friends. I'm tired and leaving" I fire back.

Peyton doesn't let go of the door. "Did you really think I was ignoring you? They were just congratulating me on the game. I was wrapping up when I saw you leave. It was seriously 5 minutes."

"Peyton...I'm certainly not mad at you for talking with your friends. I actually really don't care but it's late and I'm sure you wanted to hang out with them. It's cool. Go back inside."

He doesn't let this go. "So you don't want to win $100 from me?"

My competitive nature is breaking through. "No, it's okay. Go celebrate your victory. We can do this another time. I have to wake up early for this sports day thing for the kid's tomorrow anyway."

His eyes light up again. "Okay, how about tomorrow night. You know you won't win this fight against me, H."

"First, of all you have no idea how good I am at my job including wining. Second, why do you keep calling me H?"

"First, everyone on my team has a nickname H- I just thought you could use one too. Second, you have no idea how good I am at my job including me being the winner in the end."

Is this guy serious? I guess I'll have to climb back into work mode.

"Okay, Peyton. I'm going to close this door. I'm going to walk back in that bar with you and kick your ass at pool. But the stakes just got higher. If I win, I want $200 of your so called winning game coaching money."

He's smirking as if I'm caught in his net. "Okay, H. But if I win I get your number and a date."

You wish asshole.


I slam my door shut and walk side by side with him until we're back in the bar. The few friends of his are at my table racking up the balls.

"Okay guys, we have a serious game about to go down. Stand aside" he commands.

I admire a few of his friends who are pretty good looking. Most of their fingers are lined with golden wedding bands except Brandon who I see standing in the corner flirting with some redhead.

"Oh, so you want me to kick your ass in front of your friends?"

A few chuckles are released. "Damn, Peyton where did you find this chick" one asks.

I glance over at him "Oh, he didn't find me. But he's about to know how good I am."

They circle around and take sets on nearby high top tables with drinks in hand. He offers to let me break and I know I impress him with my strength when I sink two balls in the corner pockets. His mouth almost drops open.

I miss my next shot and Peyton takes advantage. He sinks 3 shots in a row but gets distracted because I'm done playing fair. I lean up next to him and whisper in his ear so his friends can't hear "So did you check out my tight ass the first time we met?"

His stick grazes the table and misses the ball completely. He stands up and faces me, towering over me. He leans down low enough to only where I can hear. "Two can play at that game." I smirk and walk away.

It's down to the final 8 ball shot and it's my turn. I move into position when Peyton leans against my left side and comes incredibly close. He whispers through my ear "Baby, I'd squeeze that tight ass until you screamed my name."

Electricity shoots through me and I feel like I've stopped breathing for a second. Probably because I haven't been intimate with someone in over a year... Yeah, that's exactly it. I regain my focus and shut his comment out. I sink the shot and I win!

"Yes!" I scream out.

A few of his friends come over and high five me. "H, I've never seen Peyton loose to pool.

You are definitely a winner" one says.

I see Peyton collecting the balls and taking in his defeat. "Yes, guys I'm pretty awesome at pool so now you know who to call" I gloat.

I hang my stick up and walk over to him with my hand open. "I think you owe me something Coach Simms."

He starts laughing "How do you feel about me getting another chance to win my money back?"

I can't help but laugh at his request. "Okay Coach, tomorrow night?"

"Most definitely" he responds. "I can walk you to your car?"

I surprise myself and say "Sure."

"Thanks for coming back inside and kicking my ass in front of all my friends. They'll never let one down" he says.

"Maybe I can give you a couple lessons" I sneer.

I open my car door with my hand on the edge and I suddenly feel his hand on top on my mine.

"I'll see you tomorrow H."

"See you tomorrow Peyton."

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