Chapter 8

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I wake up, tangled in Peyton's arms.

I feel peaceful. I feel at rest. I feel relieved.

Not lonely. Not angry. Not numb.

His hand is stroking my hair and I lift up my head to meet his gaze. "Morning" I mutter.

"Morning to you too beautiful." He kisses me softly and rolls us so I'm underneath him.

His lips graze over mine for a second or two. "How do you feel?"


He nods at me.

"Honestly, I haven't felt this great in a long time. I'm not angry, lonely, or numb. I just feel like me and I'm happy here with you."

A smile spreads across his face "You're the first person I've been with since Laura. I'm finally happy- not content and surviving but actually fucking happy. God, you're truly beautiful."

My heart flutters and my stomach is filled with butterflies. So I guess I'm not leaving for London this week. I guess I'll be staying here until the beginning of October.

He goes in for another kiss when we hear "Daddy, will you make me some cereal." He grazes up at the clock and sees its 6:30. "Damn, I have to leave in 30 minutes and my mom is picking up the kids soon."

I naturally snap into deadline mode. "Okay, why don't you hop in the shower, I'll get Chloe and Crew cereal. Does Crew need lunch?"

Peyton just stares at me "No, they provide him with lunch. My mom will drop Crew and Chloe off when I'm done practice from at 5."

"Okay, so can I bring your boys anything for practice or should I meet you back here around 5:30?"

He again just stares at me,

"Peyton, I want to help. Let me help."

He kisses me quickly as if not to get stuck in my trap. "Okay, meet me at the fields at 5. Most guys are starving at that point for dinner so pizza is always good. Though, I'd rather have them eat something better, you'll earn major cool points."

"Great!" I jump up and run down stairs to make the kids breakfast while he showers. We quickly decide it's better for his mom not to see me or my car. I feel like we're freaking teenagers but we both know why. I kiss him passionately leaving him wanting more and speed off before 7.


I arrive at the fields a few minutes earlier than expected but I do so on purpose so I don't have to run into his mom. I don't see her car anywhere and I see the guys on the field finishing up. So I scurry into the locker room and set up the pizza, soda, and Gatorade in the middle of the room. I'm not sure if I should stay in the room or not considering what if a bunch of 16-18 year old boys walk in half naked. So once I set up everything, I make my way towards Peyton's office in the back.

I'm sitting in his terribly uncomfortable pleather chair and admire how the large office is rundown but hidden underneath layers of paint and newer chairs, a desk, and a few file cabinets. Damn his office needs a makeover.

I hear loud bangs, grunts, and other manly noises I don't wish to think about then I suddenly hear excitement. I peak through the window and see 30 or so teenage boys chowing down pizza. It's like they haven't been fed in years. I try to keep my giggles to a minimum. Luckily, I don't see any naked boys just shirtless.

Within a few minutes on spying on the boys, Peyton and a few other coaches come in. He's followed by four other coaches- I've seen all of them at the BBQ and 2 of them the first night I asked someone to flirt with my sister. Not far behind, Crew and Chloe coming running in and all the players can't get enough of them. Crew is hassling each one and a few pick Chloe up to hug and squeeze.

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