Chapter 5

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I have to be at the fields at 10am and I'm speeding to get there. I volunteered to help with logistics of the kids Sports Day at the high school football field. Basically it meant, I offered to supply snacks and treats, so I was certainly annoyed when I went to pick up my fruit, veggie, and sandwich platters they were running behind.

Auden and Emery would be playing today so I was excited to finally have more one on one time with them. I decide to wear black yoga pants, a tight black underarmour tee shirt, and throw my long brown hair in a side fish tail. With my designer sunglasses on, I open the trunk to my car and start grabbing trays.

"Need help" a familiar voice says.

I turn around and see the stupid Greek God staring at me. He's in long basketball shorts, fitted t-shirt, with sunglasses on, and a whistle around his neck. You got to be fucking kidding me.

"Hey, Peyton. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I volunteer on Sports Days too" he simply responds.

Really? "So you decided not say anything to me since you knew I was helping?" I'm really annoyed at this guy at this point.

"I figured we'd eventually run into each other" he smirks.

"Okay, well we did. So you want to make yourself useful and help me" I fire back.

He holds open his arms and I pile a few trays and grab the rest. We walk through the gates and onto the field. Little kids are screaming everywhere and I find it both annoying and hilarious. I spot Auden and Emery running around with other little kids.

Just then Peyton blows the whistle. I turn "You're running this shit, aren't you?"

He smiles proudly "Don't you see the official whistle?"


Peyton starts giving directions to the kids and several parent volunteers. Everyone is getting organized when I see a dirty blonde boy run up and jump into Peyton's arms. His little voice is so endearing "Daddy, are you going to be on my team?" he whispers. Did he just say daddy? I think my heart just melted... wait, was that a different emotion? Oh shit.

"Hey buddy, you know I can't be on your team. But Miss Ashley is going to help you. Now head back to your group."

This little boy is literally the mini version of Peyton. He notices me "Hi, I'm Crew. You're pretty."

Obviously this kid takes after his dad.

"Hi, Crew. I'm H." sticking with my nickname. "Thank you! You're pretty cute yourself." He blushes and takes his hands over his mouth to hide his smile.

Peyton puts him down and watches him scurry away. "So you're a dad huh?"

He turns to me slowly "Yeah, proud dad for sure. My daughter is in the stands with my mom."

We turn and look into the stands. He points out the cutest little blonde that I've ever seen. She's in pigtails and shoving in what appears to be animal crackers hand full at a time. "She's absolutely adorable Peyton. What's her name?"

He seems to light up at the thought "Chloe. She just turned 3 and Crew is 5."

A flash of recognition flows through me. Peyton said they moved back here like 3 years ago. Chloe is 3. Oh shit, did is wife die after childbirth? It's like he can read my thoughts.

He looks down at the grass "Their mom died shortly after Chloe was I moved back here to get help from my parents."

I feel like hugging him but not sure if that's appropriate. All I can mutter is "I'm sorry."

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