Chapter Thirty-seven

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"I still don't understand it. When I was a child, my mother told me that pretty ladies married handsome lords and knights, not... Well, you know" Rina, one of the girls from the camp giggled as she, Jaslin and the other young woman washed the clothes.

"Sandor may not be a knight that one pictures as a child, but he is brave, kind and handsome to me" Jaslin shrugged as she scrubbed the clothes in the cold river water.

"The girls as young, they won't see sense Jaslin. Sandor is a large man, a born protector. Perhaps large and talented in other more secret areas as well, if it is not too bold of me to say, m'lady" Elya, the eldest girl in their group winked as the other girls gasped.

Jaslin blushed and let out a gasp at Elyas words. Ringing out the last of her clothes she stood up with her bucket of water.

"It is Elya, but it's a good thing I am no lady, and with regards to secret talents, well... let's just say Sandor has many" she winked before leaving the group of giggling girls behind.

It had been a for night since Jaslin and Sandor had finally sorted the trouble between. They had both found comfort in one another again and even became more of a member within their new group. Sandor would spend his days moving heavy materials and chopping wood, whilst Jaslin help cook, wash and even teach some of the group to read. It seemed fair to say that the two of them had finally found peace. Yet one small factor had been picking at Jaslins mind, she had still not been able to allow herself to be complete intimate with Sandor. He of course didn't push the idea, but Jaslin knew he was growing more and more frustrated each night. She was too worried, too scared though, the thought of possibly falling pregnant and losing another child would not stop running through her mind.

One evening, after supper and stories with Ray, Jaslin pulled Elya aside for some advise. Elya was just a few years older than Jaslin, and she knew the woman knew things about men and sex, she could tell by the way she spoke.

"I need some help" Jaslin whispered to her by the campfire.

"Of course, is something wrong?" Elya asked with concern for her friend.

"It's about... sex. Sandor and I, we haven't... not since we've been, not since the miscarriage".

"Do you want to?" Elya asked with her  dark brown eyes staring intently at Jaslin.

"Yes of course. I have missed him so much, I don't think of anything else. I'm just-"

"Scared of falling pregnant again" Elya finished the sentence for her as Jaslin nodded sadly.

"There is no sure way to prevent it, not in these circumstances anyway. If you feel ready you should not hold yourself back though. If you do end up with child again, it would be a blessing from the gods. It would be different this time, you are both safe now and at peace, no longer needing to survive".

Jaslin nodded as she listened to her words. Looking across the campfire, she saw Sandor looking back at her with a small smile as he spoke with Ray. That man was her husband, her love, the one that had been the only constant in all of this madness. Jaslin felt her body ache for him, her legs shake at the thought of his touch. Elyas was right, she could not longer hold back.

Standing up from the campfire, she affectionately stroke her friends shoulder before walking over to her husband.

"Come with me" she whispered in his ear as she bent down behind me and quickly began to walk off into the darkness surrounding them.

Sandor had been watching her all evening. Admiring her messy and wild hair, the way it blew with the wind and how she laughed when it got in her face. Sandor had no idea what she planning now though. He knew it would not be for what he really desired, to touch her, but he would not deny his lady anything. So quickly behind her followed her into the darkness until she finally stopped and turned around with a large smile.

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