Chapter Four

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"She would not let you even say goodbye to Bran" Jaslin fumed as she spoke with Jon in the courtyard as they prepared to leave Winterfell.

"It is fine Jaslin" he sighed.

"Piss on that Jon, he is you brother too".

Jon secretly loved it when Jaslin forgot her lady like manners and showed her real self, a cursing, laughing and fighting beauty. As she continued to fume, he only smiled at her and grabbed onto her chin.

"It's fine Jaslin" he repeated with a smile.

Jaslin was staring into his eyes, suddenly she realised this would be the last time they would see each for a long time. Quickly, she hung herself into his arms and nuzzled her head in his neck.

"You have always looked good in black. Don't you dear die or forget me when a top your ice wall Jon Snow" she whispered.

"I could never forget you Jaslin Frost" he sighed as he breathed in the scent of her hair one last time.

Later that day, Jaslin was riding upon her horse at the front of the caravan with Lord Stark, King Robert and many of their household guards. Jaslin had always preferred to travel on horseback, and the thought of being stuck in a coach with Sansa and her giggling handmaids was too much for even her to think of.

"Ned, you have Lady Frost in your home for some 15 years now, and she still unwed. We will need to find her a suitable match in the capital. A beauty such as her cannot be hidden away" Robert announced as Ned rode by his side.

Jaslin was at the other side of Ned and felt her enitre body tense at the word of marriage.

"As you said before, your grace, she is her father's daughter. I don't feel she came be tamed by just any man. She does not want to marry anyway, so I have accepted her wishes" Ned replied and looked over at jaslin with a reassuring smile.

"Nonsense Ned, nonsense. We'll find her a good match" Robert chuckled.

Ned did not look back at her with his usual reassuring smile this time, and Jaslin felt sick. Looking over at the two men as they changed the subject to the rebellion, Jaslin caught the eye of Sandor Clegane, he was riding at the other end of the caravan, but was staring right at her.

Just before nightfall, the group made camp, which ended up turning into a small village with all the royal tents and then servant tents. After Jaslin had seen Arya to sleep, she began to walk through the numerous tents until she came across a group of kings guards, practising their sword skills on each other.

"It may not be to wise to wonder alone at this hour" a smooth voice almost whispered behind her.

Jaslin quickly turned around to see a charming Jamie Lannister smiling back at her.

"I assure you Ser, I am more than capable of looking after myself. But if you fear the dark so much, may be I could get one of the men to escort you back?" She smiled.

"Ah, yes, I had heard of your sharp tongue and clever wit. But to see it in person, such an honour" he chuckled.

"Well you are truly welcome then" jaslin shrugged before leaving the smiling Kingslayer behind as she made her way back to her tent.

The next day, Jaslin had allowed Arya to ride with her at the front.

"Sing a song, pleaseee" Arya begged.

"You are driving me mad child" Jaslin groaned.


"Alright, alright" he laughed and rolled her eyes at Ned Stark.

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