Chapter Thirty-Four

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"What happens is Jaslin isn't at the wall?" Arya asked as they rode north on their 'acquired' horses.

"She will be" Sandor grunted, not even wanting to think of that possibility. He knew she would have had the child by now, a small and innocent boy or girl.

"You can't know that" Arya shot back, but Sandor just grunted at her again and returned to his contemplating silence.

The odd pair had made good progress after stealing the horses a month ago, and they were officially in the north now. They spent all day travelling u til it got to dark to see and made camp each night, hidden in the caves or Forrests that surrounded them. They had money for Inns now, but Sandor wasn't sure if it was worth the trouble.

As always, as the sun disappeared from the sky and the stars began to shine, Arya and Sandor stopped for the night. They were about another day and a half ride from Winterfell, where Arya hoped they would stop so she could see Bran and Rickon.

Suddenly the sound of cracking tree branches filled their ears. They always made sure to keep quiet at night, making sure they could hear any potential threat, and now they did.

"Get back behind me girl" Sandor whispered to her as he reached for his sword and kicked out the fire.

Arya did as she was told and took a tight hold on her needle. "Not today, not today" she whispered over and over.

Sandor was ready to pounce on their intruder when he say who was sat on the horse.

"Jaslin" Arya cried out and ran over to her.

Jaslin face was filled with complete shock, she hadn't noticed the camp, and now see Arya and Sandor, together, in front of her, she was sure she had fallen to sleep. Sliding off her horse, she walked over to Arya who quickly threw herself into Jaslins arms. Jaslin was staring at Sandor with complete confusion still as she hugged the child.

"How? What are you two doing together and why are you both so far north?" Jaslin finally asked as she found her voice.

"We were both captured by the Brotherhood without Banners, and then the hound took me as his captive. We were on our way to the wall, he said you would be there".

"I was, and captive? What is this madness... nevermind. Are you well sweet child? I have never stopped thinking about you. I was so worried when I did not find you at the wall".

"It's a long story" Arya shrugged.

Jaslin finally looked back at Sandor now. He seemed to have frozen to a statute of himself.

"You're alive then. I had feared the worst" Jaslin gulped.

"Aye, I went looking for you, but found no trail. I knew if you were still alive you'd be heading north".

"I fell into the Trident at the towers. Managed to swim ashore and was then found by some of my mother family, House Mormont. We travelled to the wall and were heading back to the Vale to look for Sansa when... well when things went wrong" she sighed as the image of Codin dying replayed in her mind.

"Where's the baby? I might not be any good with numbers, but shouldn't it be born by now?" He asked her and examined her now flat stomach.

Jaslin quickly looked down at her feet. The thought of having to explain it to Sandor had not crossed her mind with everything else going on. Yet now, somehow, they had found each other again, and Jaslin had no words to explain. Tears slowly built up in her eyes and slide down her cheek.

"Was it a boy or girl?" Sandor asked, his to voice void of any emotion.

"I do not know. It was after I fell, it may have been to early to know".

Sandor slowly closed his eyes as the information sanked in. As he slowly began to process it, he felt a bubbling mixture to emotions fill his body. Guilt for not being with her, shame for being able to protect her and anger, anger at the woman he loved for running off in the first place. Sandor couldn't look at her. Needing some time alone, he quickly stormed away from the camp, leaving a crying Jaslin behind.

Once Jaslin had foundvtge strength to
Stop her tears, she restarted the fire and sat with Arya in her arms. She told her about the wallz seeing Jon and what Maester Aemon had told her. Arya loved the idea of Jaslin being a warg, but promised to tell no one. Arya then explained what had happened to her, from being held at Harrenhal, the strange Braavosi man called Jaqen that had helped her escape to the Brotherhood and then Sandor.

Sandor did not return to the camp until sunrise, and then he still did not speak a word to Jaslin.

"So can we carry on to Winterfell. Resupply and see my brothers" Arya asked.

Suddenly Jaslin wanted to cry again, sighing heavily, she told Arya and Sandor of Winterfells and the young Stark boys fate. She then suggested they travel onto the Vale and hope to find Sansa, which Sandor agreed to with a grumbling shrug.

Arya was sick with sadness at the news of her younger brother and their home. For the next week, neither Arya or Sandor spoke a word, both of them overcome with their grief. Jaslin almost felt a guilt for it, yet she tried to remain positive and focus on the task ahead.

After a fortnight of the same old, Arya had finally began to speak. Asking about Sansa and the boy king death, she loved the idea that it might have been Sansa that did it. However, Sandor had still not spoke to Jaslin, and soon her sadness for him grew into annoyance.

"If you wish to leave you may go. I cannot bare to have you ignoring me any further Sandor. I do not deserve such cruel treatment" Jaslin cried out one night after Arya had long fallen to sleep.

"I ain't ignoring you woman, and I'm not going anywhere. You both won't last a day out there alone" he grumbled as the flame from the fire caused his scars to look angry and mean.

"Then speak to me, tell me what it is you feel?"

"Ain't nothing to say. What is done is done".

Jaslin shook her head in disbelief. How could he be so cold, so distant, after everything they had been through. Jaslin knew better than to push him though and quickly returned to her silence.

Within the next week things between Sandor and Jaslin had not improved. They had arrived in the Vale though and would be at the Bloody Gate before mid day.

"I thought it would make me happy, killing those who wronged us, " Arya sighed.

"Nothing makes you happy" Sandor grumbled.

"Lots of things make me happy" he quickly snapped back.

"Like what?" He scoffed.

Arya opened her mouth as though to speak, but no words came out and she quickly scrowled at the man as he let out a low mean chuckle.

"Being alive Arya. Still having hope, that's what makes you happy. That's what makes us all happy" Jaslin jumped in as she stroked the young girls back and smiled softly.

"Ain't no hope girl. World's full of shits and cunts" Sandor grumbled.

"You really think Sansa will be here?" Arya asked as they approached the gate.

"Yes" Jaslin smiled.

"Who would pass the Bloody gate" a voice suddenly rang out across the land.

"The bloody hound, Sandor Clegane and his wife.... and his travelling companion... Arya Stark, niece of your lady"

"Then I offer my condolences, Lady Lysa Arryn died... three days ago".

"Is Sansa Stark inside your walls?" Jaslin called out hopefully.

"I know of no Sansa Stark" the guard called back.

The three of them fell silent as Jaslin sighed heavily and looked across at the hound. The only sound was that of nearby birds singing, but then suddenly laughter, crazed giggling laughter. Arya Stark was laughing.  

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