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{Chapter Triggers: battle, lots of weapons, character death (mostly implied), disguises/trickery, k word. Those are all I can think of/figure out from reading through the chapter, I apologize if I missed any and feel free to inform me.}

Virgil stood on top of a hill just north of the castle's Eastern wall, staring out at the field where chaos would soon reign.

After an expansive search of the library to find something that would counteract what Deceit could say, Roman had asked Virgil to take charge of the castle archers. He had agreed with only slight reluctance.

"If you truly think they do not need your guidance, you're welcome to fight with the main force." Roman had said. "But your aim is incredible, if last night is to be taken as the average, and you could do some damage with those crossbow bolts."

Virgil had placed the men on either side of the field, hiding in the hills and much closer to the forest's edge than the others. They would make the first attacks as the army came into view, then retreat to the sides of their own force.

Roman had woken his men and they had begun construction of a large barrier in front of the castle, as a last resort. A group of his fighters were hidden behind it, waiting for any of Deceit's men who made it past the main force standing in the open. 

Now that they knew he was coming, Virgil knew Deceit wouldn't bother the flanking maneuver he would have inevitably tried otherwise.

 He spotted movement at the edge of the forest on the other side of the field and brought his crossbow up, taking aim.

The weapon made it's usual slamming noise as he sent the projectile loaded in whizzing across the closed expanse. A faint cry preceded an arrow that haphazardly launched itself up and landed in the middle of the field.

Roman immediately began to bellow orders. His men snapped to attention, shields coming up to form a barrier over the front of their lines. Virgil loaded another bolt into his crossbow and watched the treeline warily.

The army of Speira began to flood onto the plain.

Virgil let the next bolt fly along with the volley of arrows that the archers let loose.

"Three arrows each, then retreat to the next open hill!" He bellowed, reminding them of their strategy.

Each volley cut down large groups of men at the front of the army. Virgil's crossbow bolts, heavier weighted, were particularly deadly. Their comrades behind them stumbled over the bodies, but kept pressing forward.

After letting his fourth bolt fly, Virgil darted along the back of the hill he'd chosen and sprinted for the castle. He slipped behind the barrier Roman had built and met the small squire that the knight had told him to go to.

The boy was standing next to Virgil's blade contraption. He dropped his crossbow and unclipped the quiver at his hip, then picked up the massive weapon and carefully wove his arm into the center.

The squire grabbed the heavy leather strap that wrapped around Virgil's chest and attached it to the contraption on the back.

"Quickly, quickly, they'll almost be to the main force." Virgil snapped. The boy attached the second strap quickly. "Take my crossbow and quiver and put them in the stable. I'll find them afterward."

When he stepped outside the barricade, Virgil was met with an interesting sight. Deceit's army had pulled up short a few yards from Roman's men. He could see movement in the ranks and knew what was coming.

Shoving his way to the front, Virgil stood next to Roman, eyeing their enemies.

"So nice of you to join me." Roman muttered. His free hand was twitching nervously at his side.

"Wasn't going to let you have all the fun." Virgil replied, drawing his sword. "Deceit is going to try and talk us out of this."

"He won't be successful."

"You're damn right he won't." Virgil straightened up as he saw the familiar face at the front of the army. Before Deceit could start his spiel, he drew a breath and yelled as loudly as he could.

"Ish hotaal!"

His voice echoed through the field, silencing everything. The Eutali phrase meant 'For the King' and used to be a regular battle cry.

Virgil stared down the man on the other side of the empty space between them. Deceit shook his head, looking amused. He opened his mouth to speak again, but another voice rang out.

"Ish hotaal!" One of Roman's men screamed, brandishing his sword. Following his cue, the rest of the army began to yell the phrase. It slowly became a chant.

Deciet's face twisted in fury and Virgil bared his teeth in a vicious grin.

"Don't let him try again." He told Roman.

Roman narrowed his eyes at the enemy army and raised his sword in the air. "Ish hotaal!" He used the shout as his order, pointing his sword forward as he began to move.

Deceit seemed to disappear as the two armies clashed. Not liking that at all, Virgil began to search for the man as he engaged opponent after opponent.

He saw a familiar set of leather armor and lunged forward, going after the man he had been hiding the truth from for so long.

"Nothing to say, my Lord?" He sneered as attack after attack drove Deceit back. "I would have thought you'd try to sweet-talk me back to your side."

Deceit didn't speak. Virgil narrowed his eyes.

His next blow struck home, and the man crumpled to the ground.

Virgil reached down and ripped the face-guard off of the body. His blood ran cold as he found an unfamiliar face beneath it.

"No. No no- Roman! Thomas is in danger!"

How the knight heard his voice over the din was a mystery, but Roman's head shot up and he dispatched his opponent quickly, bellowing orders as he retreated backwards into his men. Virgil ducked behind the advancing troops, searching the body of the man who had been impersonating their leader.

He found the little folded sheet of parchment tucked inside the man's belt and unfolded it, fingers shaking from adrenaline.

'Tunnel vision, my boy. Kills as surely as the sword.'

Virgil cursed and jumped to his feet. He shoved through Roman's men, scrambling onto the top of the barricade they had built.

"The king is in danger!" He barked at the second force standing there, waiting. "Join your men and hold Deceit's army off at all costs!"

As the soldiers let out yells of fury and streamed from behind the wooden barricade, Virgil leapt down into now open space and raced towards the castle.

{My computer auto-cleared something and I lost my Eutali alphabet. I am FURIOUS because I don't remember how I had it set up}

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