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{Chapter Triggers: weapons, character in danger, the k word, stealth attack, terror and admitting to lying, mention of stabbing attempt. Those are all I can think of/figure out from reading through the chapter, I apologize if I missed any and feel free to inform me.}    

"Running off on us again?"

Virgil grunted, adjusting his horse's saddle. "No. What do you want?"

Roman leaned against the door of the stable. Guessing from the other man's tone, the (sort of) gentler moment the two of them had shared earlier that day was to be ignored. He wasn't going to argue that.

"I heard movement. Wanted to make sure we weren't being attacked."

He eyed Virgil's horse. The animal was completely still and silent, head turned to watch him with one dark eye.

"What are you doing?" He asked after a moment.

Virgil sighed loudly from the other side of the horse and walked into Roman's view. "I'm going scouting."

Roman frowned. "We have scouts sent out already."

"And when was the last time you heard from them?" Virgil began to check the weapons he was carrying.

The knight straightened up. "Well I- we- they haven't had enough time to find their posts and get information back to the castle."

"Your scouts are dead." Virgil said flatly, taking his horse's reins and beginning to lead him out of the stable. 

Roman followed him, indignant. "You don't know that!"

"Deceit has a very specific way of moving with a large group, that involves his best stealth attackers spreading out in a wide web in front of the army. Your scouts wouldn't even see the main force before they were found."

"Were you part of that force?" Roman asked sharply.

Virgil just shot him an irritated look.

"Fine. So perhaps they have been stopping our scouts. What makes you think a single man like  yourself can outsmart that whole web that you were talking about?"

"Who do you think came up with the idea?" The former Trickster swung himself up into his saddle. "I know how they move, and what they'll be looking for."

"Well you aren't going alone." Roman said with finality. "Stay there."

He disappeared into the stable again and Virgil bit back a groan. Every moment they wasted with this was precious time lost to Deceit.

Roman reappeared a few moments later, leading a dark horse wearing a simple saddle. He swung himself up to sit and nodded to Virgil. "Lead the way."

Virgil clicked his tongue and Drifter began to walk. He turned the horse carefully and headed towards the western gate.

"Why this way?" Roman asked, frowning. "Speira is in the east."

"The servant gate is this way." Virgil said, holding up a key. Roman didn't ask where he got it. "And I know Deceit's plans."

"Are you sure you do? He has to know you have turned on him by now."

"Maybe he knows. Maybe he doesn't. But he's moved too quickly to have formulated new strategies. His play will be to hit fast and hard and hope that I'm not ready."

Virgil dismounted at the servant's gate and unlocked it, pocketing the key afterward. Roman jumped to the ground as well and they carefully led their horses through the small opening. The creatures fit, but just barely.

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