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Quick note before the chapter: I'm posting a day early, my schedule is to post every other Saturday. The reason I'm doing that is because I have a little plug for myself - if you're interested in interactive comics and such I have an Instagram account that is running a Sanders Sides AU based off of the board game Betrayal At House on the Hill. Over 50 ways the game could go and you build the board as you play, and I'm throwing the Sides into it! Exploring a haunted house and trying not to die, and people commenting get to choose what happens. 

First game starts today at 7pm CT (4 and a half hours from now or so). Follow @sanders.mansion or check the #BetrayalAtSandersMansionAU tag on Instagram! I'm really excited for this and I hope it takes off, I've got as many as 12 games pre-configured to play and no two games will be the same (although some characters will return periodically).

Enjoy the chapter!

{Chapter Triggers: mentions of assassination attempts, character locked up, interrogation situation (I'm not sure what else to call it), a sword/weapon being drawn. Those are all I can think of/figure out from reading through the chapter, I apologize if I missed any and feel free to inform me.}

Remington had informed King Thomas of the situation, and he assured that he had not been attacked, which eased Logan's concerns somewhat. It was possible that the Trickster had not made it into the castle before falling into the moat.

Once he had spoken with the king and his personal guard, making sure that they knew to keep a closer eye on King Thomas, Logan went to find Roman and see if anything else had come up in the search of the moat.

"Sir Logan!" 

He paused, turning in the direction of the voice. King Thomas had knighted all three of his advisers to keep Roman from attempting to pull rank on the other two, but for the most part no one called Logan or Patton 'Sir'. The only people who abided by this were Roman's soldiers.

Sir Duncan was running down the hallway, trying to get his attention. Logan waited for him.

"Sir Roman told us we were to inform you when the Trickster in the North Tower had woken."

Logan nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Already? That is... impressive. Yes, thank you."

He began to make his way towards the North Tower, but the knight called after him. "Sir Logan, shall I find Sir Patton as well?"

Logan paused. Patton would be upset if he was excluded from the decisions made about this man, but he would also be annoyed that they were not going to help him. That would inevitably be the outcome, neither Roman nor Logan himself were inclined to help the man. This would most likely be an interrogation of sorts, which would also upset Patton.

"You may as well... does Sir Roman know of this development?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Escort Sir Patton directly from where you find him, and make sure he does not bring his medical supplies. I have discussed the issue with him already."

"Yes, Sir." Sir Duncan nodded, holding his fist over his chest in a traditional salute before walking off in the direction of the infirmary.

Logan nodded silently and started off in the general direction of the tower again.

He was the first person to arrive. It was most likely that Roman was dealing with the patrol that had checked the moat, and Patton was coming from nearly the other end of the castle completely.

The two guards stood outside the main room, alert and standing at attention. They both performed the same formal salute that Sir Duncan had, then one reached over to open the door and Logan stepped inside.

The first half of the round room was separated from the second half with a set of thick metal bars. The side Logan was standing on had a few chairs set up in it, as well as a single small table with an inkwell built into it.

Logan eyed the man on the other side of the bars. It had been hard to see anything distinctive about him before, when he was soaking wet and unconscious, but now a number of things were revealed to the strategist.

For starters, the man's hair was a light brown color, and always seemed to hang in his dark eyes. Really, Logan was too far to tell what color they were, but he had a feeling that they were brown based off the way they looked from that far away. 

He looked exhausted, to be frank, but his body posture was nonchalant as he slumped on the small metal cot that was provided to anyone held in the cell. 

Logan silently took one of the chairs, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and watching the man. If he registered that he was being watched, he gave no indication, staring off at a spot on the floor.

Roman burst in next, his hand dropping to his sword automatically. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Logan. "I would have thought you would be talking to him already."

"I wanted to see if I could get any information watching him."

"Was that fruitful?"

Logan looked over at the man, who still had not reacted to them. Roman looked with him and nodded gravely, understanding. He walked over to the bars and bared his sword, tapping the blade lightly against them.

The man didn't look up. Roman looked back at Logan, then tapped the sword against the metal again. "Are you listening, there? You've got quite a bit of talking to do."

Still no response. Roman went to tap the sword more aggressively against the bars, but Logan placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "If Patton sees you doing that he will be extremely upset."

"Bah, what can he do?" Roman shook his head. "Please, Logan, he's a healer, he could never best me."

"Regardless, we need as much cooperation from him as possible."

Preoccupied with their discussion, Logan didn't see the flicker of the prisoner's eyes. He glanced up at them, then at the door, then went back to looking at his spot on the floor.

The door opened again, and Logan and Roman looked up.

Patton glared at Logan, uncharacteristically sulky. The strategist met his gaze evenly. He knew why Patton was upset, but that wasn't going to change his decision.

Sir Duncan pulled the door closed behind them and Logan turned to the cell once again.

He nearly leapt back in surprise. Their prisoner was no longer staring off at nothing. He now sat straight, his legs tucked beneath himself on the cot.

"I understand you have some questions to ask me, Logan."

"How do you know my name?" Logan asked sharply, narrowing his eyes.

"I was uninterested in the conversation, not hard of hearing."

"Very well..." Logan said slowly. "Why are you here, Trickster?"

"How would I know? I assume you were the one to decide I should be kept here."

"Answer the question properly, fiend," Roman snapped. The man ignored him. 

"Instead of in the infirmary, which is the more logical place." Patton muttered, crossing his arms. Logan spared him a glance before turning back to the man in the cell. 

"What did you attempt to do?" He demanded, stepping closer to the bars and glaring at the man.

"Obviously I was going swimming."

"What was your play, Trickster?" Roman snarled. Logan grabbed his arm again, trying to calm him a little. He knew Roman became very aggressive when King Thomas was threatened, the two of them had been close for quite some time.

"No play. Just here to help."

{You may recognize some other names, I have not fully planned who else I am bringing in}

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