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{Chapter Triggers: the k word, arguments and anger, hypnotism mention (kinda), mention of torture, scars, discussion of death. Those are all I can think of/figure out from reading through the chapter, I apologize if I missed any and feel free to inform me.}    

Roman made Virgil come with him to the throne room, angrily demanding that he explain to the others what he had done. The man had finally relented, but he was quick to clear up that it was because he needed to speak with Logan regardless.

There was no one there when they entered, and Virgil walked over to inspect the throne as Roman paced angrily.

"Is something wrong?" King Thomas asked as he entered the room. He took in Roman stalking back and forth and Virgil sitting on the throne with a cocky smirk, looking entirely at ease. "I could have you executed for that."

"I'd love to see you try." Virgil hauled himself to his feet, offering Thomas a nod. "You're moving more naturally."

"I feel a lot better." The king nodded back, sighing. "Though the nerves of the advisors who stayed have not helped."

Virgil glanced at Roman, who shot him an irritated glare. "I can't imagine."

They all turned to look as the front doors of the room opened. Logan was flipping through a small stack of parchment as he walked, not really paying attention yet.

Roman cleared his throat loudly and the head strategist glanced up, then returned his attention to what was in his hands.

"Logan. Logan!"


Roman stalked across the room and snatched the papers. Logan made an angry noise, trying to grab them back. "Those are extremely important to this battle, Roman, hand them over!"

The knight kept the sheaf of information behind his back as he turned to the Sanders brothers, glaring at Virgil.

"Tell them what you did."

Both Logan and King Thomas turned to look at the former assassin, curious now. Virgil rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I removed a threat from the castle grounds."

Roman snarled and marched up the small set of stairs to where he was standing. "We lost information because of you!" He brought his hand up to poke Virgil in the chest.

The man grabbed his wrist before he even made contact, yanking him forward and sidestepping. Roman stumbled past him, trying to regain his balance before he face-planted into King Thomas's throne.

"Don't touch me." Virgil spat.

Roman whirled angrily, his hand dropping to his sword. "You killed that Trickster when we could have gotten information on Deceit's movements. You might have been the prince, by most accounts you still are, but you do not get to make calls like that-"

"You know what he would have told you?" Virgil snapped back. "Exactly what I can tell you now."

Roman growled, but the prince's face suddenly went blank. King Thomas made a disconcerted noise.

"My name is Dorrian of Speira. I am pledged to the service of my Lord and Master Deceit of Speira," his voice dropped to a monotone hum, barely forming the words fully. He stood there, staring at nothing. "I have no information to give."

"Stop it." Roman's anger took a note of concern. "That's terrifying."

"My name is Dorrian of Speira. I am pledged to the service of my Lord and Master Deceit of Speira." Virgil repeated flatly. Then he looked at Roman again, regaining the irritated look that he'd had before. "They are all trained to do it. We are all trained to do it. Speak only those words and nothing else, no matter what situation we have been put in."


When they turned, Logan was watching with interest. "And you say you can do this at any time?"

Virgil nodded. "It's one of the first things that a Trickster learns. You sit in a room alone, with no light. You repeat the words over and over. Slowly at first, then more often, other Tricksters attempt to distract you. Their distractions are... painful. When you can sit through ten attacks without breaking the mantra, you have been trained."

"That's horrible." Roman said quietly.

"It's a form of mesmerism." Logan told them. "Repeating it so many times makes the words themselves override anything else that the person is interacting with. Pain, torture. They feel it, but they do not... register it, as it were. The distractions, I assume, were physical attacks?"

The former Trickster turned around, tugging his tunic up over his head partially.

The others were met with the sight of jagged scars that looked like they had been ripped into Virgil's back. Logan and Roman both winced visibly, and King Thomas made a soft sound of horror.

Virgil turned back around, shooting Roman another glare. "You would have gotten nothing. Even the name is built into the mantra, and we all use the same name. Dorrian of Speira."

He turned to Logan. "How is Patton?"

"Awake already, I believe. His orderlies are taking good care of him, he should be on his feet by morning. He wanted me to let you know that your quick thinking most likely saved his life."

Virgil grunted. "We can only hope it was worth it."

Roman scoffed as the younger man began to walk away. "Of course it's worth it!"

"A painless death in his sleep versus death by the sword?" Virgil looked over his shoulder. "I disagree."

Logan sighed heavily as the king's brother walked out of the throne room. "Do we know how far out Deceit's army is?"

"No." Roman glowered at the now closed doors. "No thanks to our young friend."

"He's five years younger than you are, at the most." Logan rolled his eyes and plucked the papers that Roman was still holding from his hand while he was distracted. "I want you to run a hard training session with your men today or tomorrow. Let me know the results."

"What does that even mean?" Roman demanded. The head strategist shrugged and turned away.

"Whatever will properly assess their readiness for what is coming."

And then only two men stood in the throne room.

Roman turned to look at the king. "He is infuriating."

King Thomas chuckled. "Sometimes I think you let your anger get the better of you, Roman. Assess your men, we both know you have the best judgement when it comes to your warriors."

"Not as much as I thought." Roman muttered to himself, remembering the three faces staring at Virgil in terror as he slowly but surely sniffed out their rat.

The king grunted and began to walk away. "If you need to speak with me, I will be visiting Patton."

"I will keep that in mind, Your Majesty."

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