After re-locking and re-mounting, Virgil clicked his tongue again. It sounded the same as the first to Roman, but Virgil's horse rocked into a canter. He tapped his heels into his own horse's flanks to follow.

They rode in silence, Virgil's head swiveling slowly as he scanned the area for something that he would recognize that meant danger. They checked two towns to the west of the castle, then began to work their way around to the eastern side.

Virgil pulled his horse up short just outside of Osmil. Roman opened his mouth to ask what was happening, but the former Trickster suddenly dismounted and quickly led his horse to a shadowy corner, draping his reins over a railing there.

Unsure of what was happening, Roman followed. He tied his horse next to Drifter and looked at Virgil.

The man made a motion to be silent and follow him. His boots made almost no sound on the wooden deck as he climbed over the railing and crept around the building to the front.

They slipped inside what seemed to be a combination tavern and inn. Virgil headed straight for the stairs, while Roman looked around. His hand dropped to his sword, but he followed the king's brother without drawing it.

"What is going on?" He finally demanded quietly when Virgil had slipped into the room at the end of the hall, overlooking the main street.

"I heard movement. This town should be empty."

Roman nodded slowly.

Virgil peered out the open window. "We're too close to the castle for the web to be out, Deceit draws it in when he gets closer to his target. That means the main force is here."

"We need to warn the castle then!"

"Wait. I want to see what he's mustered."

Roman growled under his breath, but hunkered down and waited.

The army became visible, marching five abreast on the wide main street. Virgil had no doubt that there were more groups of men moving along the side streets, keeping time with the main force.

"I want you to go downstairs, take your horse, and run for the castle." He told Roman.

"Are you mad? They'll have archers!"

"Exactly." The prince removed his crossbow from its holster strap and selected a bolt from his hip. "I want to thin some long range firepower."

Roman grunted and disappeared. Virgil waited, keeping his eyes on the force moving towards them.

There was a burst of movement in the spot they'd left their horses. Virgil didn't look, taking aim as he saw a bow come up in the center of the group. The crossbow shot rang out, followed by a cry. 

He took two more shots, then ran for his own horse.

Roman was a dozen feet or so away.

"What the hell are you doing? I told you to go!"

The knight shrugged. "Didn't want to tell the king I lost his brother."

Virgil growled, then froze as he heard a voice ringing out from the town.

"Quite the shot, my boy. You're getting better."

"Deceit." He gritted his teeth and pushed Drifter into a gallop, wanting to put as much distance between them as possible. Roman raced after him.

The guards at the main entrance of the castle were surprised to see the two, but let them in. Virgil unsaddled Drifter as quickly as he could, then he and Roman began to run towards the castle.

"I need your help." Virgil said suddenly, grabbing Roman's arm to stop him in the hallway before King Thomas's quarters. "Meet me in the library after we warn everyone that they're here."

"What? Why?"

Roman could see wild terror in the former Trickster's eyes. "Virgil, what's wrong?"

"I wasn't completely truthful when I told my story." Virgil spoke quickly. "I may have left out a few things."

"You lied?"

"No! I-" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just skipped over a point... When I woke up in Deceit's castle, I had complete amnesia. There isn't time to explain the whole situation but Deceit is a notoriously smooth talker and if I do not have complete, concrete proof that I am who I am when he arrives, I could- he could-"

Roman connected the dots. "You think he could convince you that you're not who you are."

"Exactly." Virgil dragged a hand over his face. "If he managed to turn me on Thomas again - I can't imagine the pain that Thomas would go through. Seeing his brother twisted into something evil."

"It's not fun." Roman said quietly. He could remember his own brother, merely eight at the time, disappearing into the woods for hours. After a week of it, he'd tried to stab Roman and run off into the woods again. They found his body days later.

It wasn't fun at all.

{the end is nigh}

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