Chapter 12

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Hey sanya here! I havent updated in awhile so sorry!!! But I'm going to know happy!! Lol this is decicated to my friend Claire.. I thought of her reading this and I was like dam.... I need to update! --------------------- ---------------------

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Jeff's. POV

It's been six months since the incident with Alice happened... You probably think I'm going insane but here's a newsflash for you I've always been insane. I was somehow numbed by her... Now that I'm gone my insanity has awoken again I feel like I can murder anybody...murder people... Things... Monsters..... Anybody, anything that I want!

Speaking of anybody and anything here comes the first victim in a while...walking my way! She's an elderly lady, about 4 foot 11, and her basket is stuff to make cookies and brownies... Oh my God... This is perfect finally my chance to kill a stereo typical bitch!

I'm walking towards her, beginning this plot this murder. Obviously if you're any Murderer/ killer like me you know exactly what I'm about to do!

"Hi grandma!" I said as I approach her with my final steps. "Oh hel-- I'm sorry young lad but I have no idea who you are..." She adjusted her glasses. "oh god....oh my dear sweet Lord!" She said while taking a tiny step backwards for me. "Oh grandma! You finally recognize me! I'm so happy, but I bet you don't remember what I used to do do you!" I changed my voice a little more deeper and darker than the cheerful voice I had before. "You want me to get you caught up....Maybe remind you a little...."

The sweet old woman cried out. "Oh god.... Please let me be.... I'm going to see my grandchildren....please don't do this!" So stereo typical.... "You shouldn't have told me are off to see you grandchildren grandma....shouldn't of told me..." I said "Any last words?... to late!"

The old lady began to scream. Crying for help! It made me laugh to think that she thought anybody would come! Like anybody would come and help her if they knew they had to face me!

The sound of her screaming was muffled by her choking on her own blood. The sound of my knife cutting through her skin was music to my ears. Blood begins gush out of the place where I cut her! Blood was flying everywhere causing my white sweatshirt to now be drenched in blood. "I never realized I can miss this feeling so much!" I said while using a deceitful laughter.

The old lady stared at me directly in my eyes. "I'm sorry grandma it had to end this way... but with this I can finally be myself again!" As if she rolled her eyes at me, her eyes roll to the back of her head, and she sighed her last breath. "Oh how I miss that sound!" I say to the newly dead corpse sitting in front of me.

Alice's pov

Its been 6 months since I started dating the Lieon. I'm with happy 100 percent of the time! He makes me feel as if I have no worries, as if I'm on top of the world! Ever since day one of us dating I can't stop thinking of him..... Lieon.... Lieon....Lieon.....

Right now Lieon is out on the job with Jack and Ben, so it kind of sucks being alone in the house. I mean I still have my friends! Lucid, Alice, and Sally of course! For the past week I've been hanging out with them.

It's kind of weird though ever since Lieon and I started dating they've been acting weird when I'm with him. As if they know something that I don't. But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't hide something from me!

I started to walk to my room when I was stopped by lucid. "Alice I need to talk to you. Its about Jeff." Said Lucid. "Who's Jeff?" I said back. "You don't remember? I'm pretty sure after he did that to you didn't cause you to have amnesia...." Said Lucid. "Who's Jeff and what did he do to me?" I said. This girl is making no sense. "How can you not remember Jeff? He's the one you love! For God sakes He's the one who gave you the scar across your face!" Said lucid.

I trying think about anybody I could of loved before Lieon A black fuzzies warm stuff filled my mind. I couldn't think clearly. I began to get overcome by dizziness. I fell to the ground on my hands and knees. "Lucid... Help..." I said right before my body couldn't hold up on its own anymore. I fell completely to the ground. What is happening to me? Next thing I knew I was blacked out.

Lucid's POV

It's been several hours since Alice blacked out in front of me. I don't understand what's been happening to her lately. Ever since that one day with Lieon things of changed. I understand that Jeff and her broke up, but she got together with him faster than I could. And that's saying something! It's not normal to get together with someone a couple days after you had a fight with your boyfriend. Am I right? Well of course I'm right. I'm me!

When that happened I called Slenderman over and he took her back to the infirmary. He just suggested that she needed more rest, but to me things don't add up. If she needed more rest she would be hanging out with me constantly! For God sakes it's been six months, and she's been fine! Need more rest. That's bullshit!

Honestly I think it has to do something with Lieon. That kid is shady! He may put on this shy, I don't talk to anybody besides Alice look, but honestly I think he can do whatever the fuck he wants when he wants! If you know what I mean.

It's not like I really care for Alice, but I guess I would consider her as a friend. Friends look out for friends... Girl! Don't not take this as I am not getting all sentimental and soft! Don't even think like that about me! And anyways this whole Alice getting fucked up thing is kind of fun to think about. If you think about it I'm kind of like Sherlock Holmes and I could solve the case! I'm not a nerd! I just like mystery cases!

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