Chapter 9

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Hey? Oh hey! I actually got enough reads! yay! well I haven't wrote In here in awile, and I bet ur all excited to see the new I also guessed that...:3 but anyways read on!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alices p.o.v.

Its been a day or so since i woke up from the incident. I still haven't seen Jeff. It worries me that maybe he feels to much regret, and after I heard what happend to his family.. There is a major possiblity that he could commite suicide. But Masky told me he is just in his room, and doesnt want to face nobody yet. Masky checks up on him twice a day, and he said Jeff hasnt spoken one word about me yet.. I guess I could understand why.. But anyways I have made a lot of friends now. I was even allowed to leave to hospital in the Mansion to go see my new friends.

Oh yea, I forgot. The place where I am is the Creepypasta mansion. Its where all freaks, monsters, and killers can go when they have no where else to go. Slendy just happens to be the leader of the creppypasta mansion, but not the whole underworld. The people, I mean monsters, who control the underworld is the council. Speaking of the council, I have to meet them in 3 days, and figure out who I am. They extended the deadline out due to my injuries. I wanted Jeff to come with, but now as things are I don't know if that's still the case.

"Come on Alice! Were going to the cafeteria!" said the most adorable little girl ever, Sally. She had long brown hair, and was aound the age of 8. "Yea hurry it up!" said Jane. She kinda looks like Jeff, but she has, you know, feminine features. "God, If you dont hurry I'm gunna pound your ass in!" said Lucid. You all know who she is. "Im coming!" I said as I grabed my lunch bag and walked out the hopital room. Instead of staying at Lucids apartment i began staying here since the doctors still have to check up on me.

I made it up to them. "When are they going to let you out of there?" asked Jane. "I have no idea, but I hope soon!" I said. Jane and Sally laughed. "Alice, have you met Alice?" asked Lucid. "Huh?" I feel stupid. A girl was standing at the end of the hallway that kinda looked like Alice, off of Alice in wonderland, but didn't she have blonde hair? This girl has dark brown. She was definitly creepy. "Hi, my names Alice Liddel. Yours?" she said harsly. I gulped. "A-Alice Walker!" I said. Jane, Lucid, and Alice all looked at each other. Lucid gave a smile and they all began to laugh. "Dont be so scared, Alice! We all are family here!" Alice said. "We all wouldn't dream of hurting you!" said Jane. "Except Lucy." said Sally. "Dont ever call me Lucy again!" Lucid yelled at Sally. I laughed and so did Alice and Jane. "Yea, I guess I am a little to tense." I said as, now the 4 of us, walk into the lunch room.

Hey sorry its so short but i have to get in the mood to right this.. and if you wanted a lonbg chapter it would have sounded horrible!! sorry!! seriously am!! next time Ill try and update a longer chapter!! Now i have to stay up all night updateing all my other stories!! sorry :3 ill continue when I get 75 reads!

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