Chapter 58: Poop Sandwich

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Titania flicked Aelius with her wings. "Ass clown." she muttered, following Jak.

Again, Aelius chuckled.

Like his father (Eugene "Flynn Rider" Fitzherbert) Aelius loved antagonizing stupid people. And that happened to be the only perk of training with Titania.

Titania was a toxic bitch with a super huge crush on Jak, while Jak was a super huge saint. Watching them interact was like watching a ping-pong match, with Jak deflecting every one of Titania's subliminal messages.

It got better. Titania had also inherited an envious streak from her mother (Tinkerbell), and was perpetually jealous of Jak's adoring fans. Every time a girl drooled over the famous Jak Triton, Titania boiled from the tips of her wings to the ends of her bleach-blonde pixie cut.

And judging by Titania's current expression, she wasn't all that hunky-dory with Jak's sudden interest in the red-haired cadet.

"This is gonna be good," murmured Aelius as Jak asked for Admiral Triton's clipboard.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

"Admiral," Jak squared himself to his grandfather. "Permission to see the roster?"

Admiral Triton glanced sideways. He almost smiled at Petty Officer Sebastian, the militant crab on his shoulder.

"Granted," Admiral Triton said, handing over the clipboard, " ease, master sergeant."

Jak accepted the clipboard. "Thank you Granddad."

Slightly more relaxed, Jak ran a finger down the roster. At ease was the magical phrase that turned the admiral into his grandfather. It had also been a term of endearment, one that Admiral Triton used medicinally with Jak growing up.

When Jak attended his first day of school: Admiral Triton said, "At ease Jak."

When Jak took his first road test: Admiral Triton said, "At ease Jak."

When Jak failed his first road test (for driving too fast): Admiral Triton said, "At ease Jak."

When Jak went to Marine Corps boot camp: Admiral Triton said, "At ease Jak."

When Jak was frustrated: "At ease Jak."

When Jak was confused: "At ease Jak."

When Jak was scared: "At ease Jak."

When Melody was having ...problems: Admiral Triton said "At ease Jak."

Jak paused, thinking of Melody. He lowered the clipboard, momentarily distracted.

Admiral Triton cleared his throat. "Problem?"

"No, sir." Jak returned to the clipboard. "Just surprised we have so many recruits."

Admiral Triton decided to humor Jak's relapse. Shrewdly, he watched Jak revisit the roster, well aware that he had been thinking of something else. 

Jak preferred to hide his emotions. That was a change for Admiral Triton, once the single father of six teenage girls. No longer did he have tearful outbursts of "Daddy this!" or "Daddy that!" Jak kept his feelings under strict lock and key. 

Honestly it was a breath of fresh air, but it also meant Admiral Triton had to be more vigilant of Jak's emotional response. 

Peripherally, Admiral Triton monitored Jak. He was surprised when Jak suddenly tapped a name on the bottom of the roster list. Lingering on the name, he frowned at the line of cadets.

Keeping Fantasia: The Third Book of the Fantasia SeriesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu