The End

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By the time Ben had reached the large hanger the sound of blaster fire had gone silent and the chaos had subsided. Through the crowded hanger amidst the celebration, his eyes locked onto the only thing that mattered to him. The reason all the pain, all the suffering, and the loss was worth it in the end. Even if it meant she had to live in a galaxy without him he would die happily knowing that she was safe and loved without him. Rey's eyes lit up meeting his gaze as she closed the gap between them. 

He barely caught her when she leaped onto him, her legs wrapping securely around his waist. His hands found the nape of her neck and her sides as hers reached up to his face, giving him no choice but to submit to her furious flurry of kisses. When she came up for air he spun her around effortlessly, a low chuckle escaping him. He would cherish every moment he had left with her, however little or long that ended up being. 

It was over now. The First Order was falling apart from the inside out and it would not be allowed to rebuild, not if he had a say in the matter. Setting her down he brushed the hair from her face. 

"I love you, sweetheart." For some reason, he almost choked on the words.

"I know, Ben, I know." She took his hand and squeezed it tightly. 

"What happens now?" He said.

Rey's nose scrunched then she glanced over at the Falcon. "We could..."

He followed her gaze and grinned. "Steal the hunk of junk and see all the green in the galaxy?"

"I think that would make you a scoundrel instead of a supreme leader." 

Maker, he loved that mischievous grin of hers. "You realize if we do this Lando will kill me."

She shrugged. "Only if he finds us."


Hey guys! 

I know this isn't a proper ending, nor is it a satisfying length, but I needed to end this fic. The ending has been LONG overdue partially because I have been sitting on ideas, life has been crazy, among other things. 

But I didn't want to leave y'all hanging either so... here we are. 

I have some hopefully not garbage ideas for AU's that should be coming out soon. 

ANYWAYS! Thank you for suffering through my word vomit of a first ever fanfic. Seriously you deserve a trophy for making it this far. Because I don't like any of my work (like most writers) but I can say for certain that this is my worst work *insert awkward hysterical laughter* SERIOUSLY. Worst. Work. Everrrrr. 

Special thanks to @ol1vvy for forcing me to finish this thing and to keep writing it. 

As always may the force be with you,

<3 KyloRing


THE RISE OF SKYWALKER! GUYS! Episode IX is going to be EPIC AF!!

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