Uncivilized Manner

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This is what complete chaos looked like.

Tie's and X-Wings fought in open space. Troopers fought alongside the Resistance. Still, masked Stormtroopers fought their unmasked comrades. Red and blue blaster fire flew across the hangar bay, some hitting their marks while others missed entirely. Jacen had raced ahead of them, clearing a path for some more Resistance allies to make their way to a group of commanders before setting his sights on the remaining Knights of Ren. 

Rey looked worriedly over the battle, eyes wide. He knew she had some experience fighting. Even fighting the First Order, but this was different. Wrapping his hand around hers he lifted it to his lips and kissed her fingers. "Go help your friends. I'll find Hux and deal with him."

He watched as she took a deep breath, all previous worry wiped clean from her expression. Squeezing his hand she jumped into the fray making a beeline for Finn.

She will be fine.

She had to be or life wouldn't be worth living. 

Adrenaline pulsed through his veins urging him forward. His muscles ached and groaned at the strain. This needed to end. Ben cringed as the First Orders numbers ran through his head, today would not be the end, merely the beginning of it. If they made it out of here alive they could start to build a better world. Or he could run away with Rey and leave the world building to people who had not spent the better part of their lives trying to destroy it. Reaching out as he ran Ben searched for Hux.

So many things had to go just right from now through the foreseeable future for the galaxy to finally be at peace. If true peace was even possible. Even if things went right, if they won, he would have to leave. How could the galaxy he had tormented these past years accept him now? There were too many questions that needed answers now and they would have to wait. 

As Ben slid around a corner a squadron of troopers prepared to fire. Lifting his hand he stopped them mid-step and slammed all but one into the walls beside them. The remaining trooper shuddered as Ben pulled him closer. 

"Where is Hux?" Ben asked mildly annoyed. The sooner he found that snake of a man the better. 

"I won't talk." The soldier spat. 

Ah, so Hux's conditioning wasn't a complete failure.

"Oh, you don't have to talk." Ben tilted his head slightly, so this is how it was going to be then. Concentrating his energy towards the trooper he pushed through his weak mental barriers and into his mind. It didn't take long to find the information he needed. When he was done he tossed the man to the side and ran for Hux's personal escape pod. Of course, he would run away. 

That's what the empire had done when they'd lost Palpatine, Sloane, and Hux along with other remnants of the empire, hiding their existence out in the unknown regions until they were strong enough to appear anew as the First Order. The slimy bastard would do the same. Flee and regroup. 

Not today. 

Not again.

This time they'd wipe them all out. 

Even if he had to do it himself.

"This is why I told you Snoke should have considered using a clone army." He said, watching Hux freeze mid-step. 

The general's entire body tensed at the sound of his voice, turning on his heel to face his longtime rival he looked Ben over. Hux's face drained of whatever color was left in his pasty washed out face. He knew what was coming. Knew that he had no cards left to play. Knew that he was good as dead already. Ben was actually quite intrigued to see just how he was going to try to worm his way out of this one. 

"Your pathetic rebellion is doomed, Solo." Hux straightened attempting to appear taller, stronger than he was. "Their lack of order and discipline coupled with your complete incompetence will be your downfall."

"Says the man trying to escape as his army loses the battle." Ben took one step towards his longtime rival. 

Hux swallowed then, the glint in his eyes left for a moment as Ben summoned the force, lifting Hux up off the ground, pulling him closer. Hux despised all force users. Even the late Supreme Leader Snoke. They were a threat to everything he had built, a threat that needed to be extinguished. He was not wrong. Ben would use the force to his advantage. To end all of this. As he pulled Hux closer he could sense the fear rolling off of him in waves. 

"What will you do after this?" Hux managed to keep the fear from his voice. "Run off with the girl and then what? Be forever on the run? What a life that will make for your precious scavenger."

Ben narrowed his eyes, his heart skipped a beat for a moment, his stomach dropped. What was their plan? They didn't have one. They hadn't discussed it. Hadn't had the time to talk about the future. The future that was fast approaching with the end of this fight and the ones to come. He was approaching the end of his road with her. When the Resistance beat back the entirety of the Order when the fighting stopped, what would become of him? Who would be in charge of his fate? 



Exonerated? Certainly not for his crimes as Kylo Ren. No one but Rey was insane enough to look at his sins and forgive him for them. That bright simple future he'd envisioned for them. That vision of days traveling to each system to show Rey just how much color there was in the galaxy. The vision of them living somewhere quiet and far from everyone. The vision where they were never alone because they had each other. 

A family.

A home.

A future that they could never have.

Had he not traveled down this path...maybe it would have been better. Rey would not have to go through the heartwrenching pain of losing him after fighting so hard for his salvation. After believing in him when no one else would. After seeing the conflict within him and guiding him through the darkness so that he could see the light within. Now when this was over he would be stripped from her. Taken permanently away from her.

All of this to bring peace and leave her abandoned yet again. Alone and hopeless. Emotion caught in his throat and he forced it down. No. If his fate was to die at the end of all this then he would accept it, if that was his place in this story then he would play his part well. Rey would be safe. She would be well looked after by her friends. And she would be free of the restraints that were Ben Solo. 

"I'll do my part. To whatever end lies ahead." He held Hux just in front of him and unholstered his blaster. 

Hux's eyes widened at the sight of the weapon, as the barrel was held steadily in frontof him. 

With an ounce of pressure a bright blue blast shot was set free and Hux's body slumped to the floor with a thud.

"So uncivilized." Ben muttered under his breath as he looked down at the mess at his feet. 

An imense weight lifted from his shoulders. Setting another part of him free as a piece of his troubled past died. 


*Carefully peaks head out from beneath the covers*

Heyyyyy everyone! I know it's been a kriffing long time since I have updated this. I'm truly sorry for the wait. I have had an incredible case of writers block and a bunch of life drama that's been going on for a bit which has not helped me get anything done.

BUT! You have a part and it is a decent length. Please pardon any issues. Feel free to point them out so I can fix them later <3 

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May the force be with you,


Darkness Rises & Light To Meet ItOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora