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It had taken longer than he had liked to reach the city planet of Coruscant. Even from the depths of space you could make out the layout of the massive city complex. The billions of glittering lights almost rivaled the number of stars in the sky. Ben never liked that particular planet. Too many people all corralled inside a concrete super system. To think that the old Jedi order had once resided in a massive temple on this planet...

The Falcon seemed to chatter in the background as they coasted through space nearing the Finalizer. Jacen looked behind him towards the navigational panel making a face at its incessant chatter.

"Want me to check that out?" He nodded towards the panel.

Ben shrugged. "She is just being temperamental. Ignore her."

Jacen raised his eyebrows. "Her?"

"Don't ask." He replied sharply maneuvering the Falcon towards the star destroyer.

"Ben. What are you doing?"

"Getting their attention."

Jacen looked at his former master as if he had lost his mind. "Would you mind explaining how getting captured or blown to bits is going to save Rey?" He snapped.

"If they want me they can have me."

"You know she won't leave without you." A statement meant to convince him against his plan.

She's done that once she can do it again.

"You're going to make sure she gets off this ship. Drag her, knock her out if you have to. Just-" He bit the inside of his cheek then, centering himself. "Just do what you have to."

Shaking his head Jacen stood, rubbing his temples. "We're all getting out of this."

Sighing he let go of the controls as the tractor beam pulled them into the star destroyer. Jacen had always been the optimist and there was no use in arguing with him. Standing beside his...friend Ben managed a small grin.

"Let's give them hell then."


With a hiss the ramp of the Falcon opened revealing a mass of storm troopers filled into formation. In front of them stood General Hux, a satisfied grin curled onto his pink lips, and Quillon with the remaining Knights of Ren beside him. Ben looked them twice over blood going cold. Rey was not here.

Struggling to keep himself centered he reached out with force searching for the life signature he knew so well. The one that was his.


It took everything within him not to ignite his saber and tear open everything in sight. Jacen had a hand hovering over his own weapon in anticipation for what he knew would be an all out battle.

Eyes seething Ben shot a deadly look at Hux, jaw clenched so tight it was a wonder that his teeth didn't crack.

It was Hux who spoke first unable to hide the immeasurable pleasure he was feeling at seeing his trap work so well. "Welcome home Ren." His toothy grin spread wide across his face. "How convenient of you to deliver the other traitor to us."

"Where is she?" It came out more like a command than a question.

Quillon chuckled quietly. "I thought you assured Snoke you would not be seduced and yet the jedi has you wrapped around her finger."

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