Something Else

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As the droid mended Kylo Ren's scar across his face he looked across the room deep in thought. Processing what had just occurred in the battle was proving difficult. He no longer sensed Leia and he was desperately trying to burry his weaker feelings so that they were not easily detected.

Something pulled him out of his deep concentration. Waving the droid away he looked slowly around the room trying to find the presence he felt.  Did he hear something? Birds? That didn't make sense.

He paused listening, feeing the presence fully he turned his head and saw...Rey. Perplexed he stared at her disbelief in his eyes. How was this possible? Was he seeing things? Was this a test?

Everything was silent now. Their breaths synced as they looked into each others eyes. Well he looked, Rey's eyes were like daggers. She hated him. She has always hated him. And what had he done to her to warrant such a hate? The first time they met she had attacked him first, he had not made a move to harm her.  Even when he brought her to the ship he had taken care not to harm her. He didn't see the point. The scavenger knew only the information from those in the Resistance who had filled her mind with their garbage. He could have killed her on Starkiller Base. He could have killed her in the Forrest. She hated him even more now after he had killed Han Solo, but she still only had one side of the story.

He saw her hand dart to the side and grab something. A blaster? No sooner did he have that thought did a bolt of light go straight through him. Ren jumped, startled by the sensation it left. He looked down where it had passed and then back at her. She seemed just as shocked but her eyes were still filled with anger and hate.

Rey swiftly jumped up and ran out through the corridor. Kylo Ren jumped to attention and examined where she had been then felt the urge to follow her. He ran out of the chamber and slide across the hallway when he saw her yet again. They both stopped and examined one another yet again.

Without hesitation Kylo lifted his hand out and summoned the force. "You will bring Luke Skywalker to me." Nothing. He felt no power and she did not waiver. His hand lowered. "You're not doing this. The effort would kill you." A feat like this was beyond either of their powers or needs. Why kill herself? "Can you see my surroundings?" He was genuinely curious. Nothing he had ever read or studied mentioned something like this. But what exactly was this?

"You're going to pay for what you did!"

She didn't answer his question but he didn't care. For now he just wanted to know what was happening. He looked at her closely taking her in.

"I can't see yours." Kylo met her eyes his voice lowered into a tone he rarely used, "Just you."

Rey didn't have a response for him this time. She breathed in deeply and her eyes flickered.

"No, this is something else." Ren concluded, his tone softer than before. He had felt a pull for a long time, but ever since he had interrogated her and reached into her mind and when she reached back... Was this a consequence of that?

A crash echoed through the hall and he watched Rey closely as she looked behind her then back at him her expression never changing.

"Luke." Ren's tone hardened a little.

"What's that about?" Lukes voice now echoed back at him. But he had not heard Kylo that he was sure of.

Rey looked behind her once more, presumably at the Jedi Master, then back at Kylo Ren. What would she do? Her expression changed this time to one of decision making. Then...

She was gone.

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