.C H A P T E R : 0 1 8.

Start from the beginning

My Confession...?

Wait! Where is she? Where the fvck is she??!!!

"W-Where is she?" I whispered.

Ryan and Doctor looked at me with their confused as well as worried eyes, trying to understand what I was saying.

"R-Ryan!? W-Where is she?!!" I shouted and he looked at me with his big green eyes.

"J-Justin, whom are you talking about?" He asked me worriedly, convern totally clear in his eyes.

"Ryan! Don't joke around with me right now! I wanna know...!! Where the fvck is she?!!" I shouted and he again gave me that confused expression of his.

"WHERE THE FVCK IS ALISHIA?!!!!" I shouted very loudly.

He's getting on my nerves now.

Where is my Alishia?

I wanna see her.

I wanna know whether she's okay or not?

"Relax Mr. Bieber. Mr. Butler, I think Mr. Bieber is talking about that girl whom also got stuck with him in the elevator for 3 Days who is now in the ICU." The doctor explained. And my eyes widened.

"What?!! A-Alishia?!! S-She... She is in ICU?!! What the fvck are you saying?!!" I shouted loudly making the doctor as well as Ryan flinch at my tone of voice.

My head became heavy after shouting this loudly and it also started to spin making me fall back in bed and Ryan immediately supported me, his arm wrapping around my back and the doctor also rushed towards my side. I closed my eyes and gritted mt teeth at my vulnerable state right now.

"Please Mr. Bieber! Try to relax. You are not in the condition to shout like this and give strain to your body." The doctor said trying to make me understand.

But well... I'm way too stubborn when it comes to people whom I love so much.

And Alishia? She's the love of my life God dman it!!!

"Justin... Man please control yourself..." Ryan spoke after a long pause while I was still processing everything.

"W-What has a-actually happened t-to her D-Doctor?" I asked in my very shaky voice, extremely scared to hear the answer from his mouth, now opening my eyes.

"Mr. Bieber..." Doctor took a deep breath after saying my name while Ryan held my one shoulder from his one arm still supporting me.

"W-Why are you not answering Doctor!!?" I again shouted a bit.

"Relax dude. He's telling." Ryan tried to assure me.

But I was not at all getting any relief from his mother fvcking silence!!!

"Mr. Bieber... She... The girl whose name you're saying is Alishia... She is suffering from Sickle Cell Anemia." The Doctor gave his statement.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and also in worry.


"What the hell it is? W-Will you please t-try to explain? I-Is is something very s-serious?!" I literally commanded him, not asking trying to control my emotions at best.

"Sickle Cell Anemia also called as Sickle Cell Disease is a condition in which it happens... A group of disorders that cause red blood cells of human body to become misshapen and break down." The Doctor explained.

I again furrowed my brows in confusion.

Wtf! Alishia has a disease?!!

She has a fvcking disease?!!!!

"What exactly happens in it Doctor?" Asked Ryan, still holding my shoulder with his one arm.

"Hemoglobin in our body allows red blood cells to carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of our body. In Sickle Cell Anemia, the abnormal and unshaped hemoglobin causes red blood cells to become rigid, sticky and misshapen." The Doctor again explained and my face lost it's colour.

Alishia has a bloody Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia?!!!! And she bloody didn't even dared to tell me about her disease till the time we were stuck there?

How can she hide this?

How fvcking she can hide this from ME?!!!!


The thought itself gave me goosebumps and made me angry as hell!

"There are many symptoms to recognize it, like, pain in areas - in the joints, pain types can be sudden in the chest, also anxiety attacks, depression, lack of energy in the body, dizziness, fatigue, low oxygen in the body or malaise. Some more things are common like - abnormal break down of red blood cells because of which inflamed fingers or toes, pallor, shortness of breath, or yellow skin and eyes.

I mentally noted the things that usually happens with Alishia. All the symptoms...

There were so many that I saw in her in that mere time of just three days of being stuck there.

How the hell I did not noticed them? I should've known it earlier.

"This condition can be prevented by having medicines on daily basis on a particular time, regularly and strictly without skipping any of it. But I think because of being stuck in that elevator she must have had been not able to eat medicines there, that's why she just collapsed and now is in ICU as her condition is not better than yours Mr. Bieber." Explained the Doctor again making me lose my patience.

"I-It's all my fault..." I chocked, tears started to brim in my eyes.

How the hell I did not noticed it before? I should've definitely done something for her then and there.

But she did not even care to tell me this big thing of her life when I told her almost every God damn thing!

"Relax Justin... It's not at all your fault. If you would've known it then also you wouldn't have been able to do anything for her." Said Ryan as if reading my thoughts.

He really is my best friend for nothing. We understand each other.

"Yes, Mr. Bieber. You wouldn't have been able to do anything for her. Her that medicine was the only path which she didn't had there. Her full life depends on that medicine. She has to take it everyday to live her life." Doctor explained.

"I wanna see her." I announced.

Ryan immediately looked at the Doctor, asking. I too looked at him, asking for permission from my eyes to him.

I really need to see Alishia... She'll have to be okay...

Okay for Me...


So, that's it for now. Just one or two Chapters are left for the story to get done.

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Love ~ Mariya ❤️

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