Chapter 21

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Notes: Hey guys, sorry for how long I took again and sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter, I hope you enjoy it regardless, thanks for the reviews they make my day!
That night after dinner, Owen carried his and Cristina's bags up to their room. Cristina followed behind him, she yawned loudly and Owen turned around and laughed at her. She was pretty exhausted from the travel not to mention the effort of trying to make a good first impression with Owen's siblings.

She figured she'd done a pretty good job, they all seemed nice enough and so far none showed any sign of hating her. She smiled as they entered their room and she saw the inviting king sized bed dressed in flannel sheets with a fur blanket on top. She couldn't wait to climb in and pass out.

After a quick argument about Owen's sleeping arrangements, Cristina desperately wanting him to sleep in bed with her and Owen adamant about sleeping on the sofa in the living room, they had come to the agreement that he would sleep on the floor in their room.

Owen plopped down beside her on the bed after brushing his teeth.

"You know they all really like you" he said whilst tucking a stray curl behind her ear.

Cristina rolled over on her side to face him, "Really?" she asked.

Owen smiled, "Yeah, in fact while you were in the kitchen with mum they wouldn't shut up about how much better you are than Beth"

That made Cristina smile, "I am better than Beth" she whispered.

Owen laughed and leaned in to steal a quick kiss.

"I like them too you know" Cristina said after they parted.

"Especially Charlie"

"I knew you two would get along" Owen replied, he couldn't help but smile, this was the first time Charlie had ever liked anyone he had dated. Of course she would like Cristina, how could you not, he thought to himself.

"She told me about your dad" Cristina said warily, she was afraid this subject would erase his beautiful smile, but felt like it was a good time to bring it up.

As she feared, his smile vanished as he was taken off guard by her statement, but it was quickly replaced by a half smile.

"Oh yeah" he said.

Cristina decided to dig a little further, "You never really talk about him" she said.

Owen paused and she wondered if he was ever going to respond, "He was my best friend.....he was one of those dads you see in the movies... the ones who spend every free moment playing with their kids." His voice grew louder as he found confidence to continue, "He taught me everything, sports, manners, work ethic, how to ride a bike. He was just the best, and I think.... he would have really liked you...I think about that a lot." He admitted.

Cristina sat up as he finished talking, "I wish I could've met him" she replied.

Owen placed a hand on her growing bump, "He would've made an awesome grandpa." He said sadly with a smile whilst stroking her bump with his thumb.

Cristina smiled back at him and leaned forward to give him a kiss on his forehead.
The next morning Cristina was awoken by whispering coming off the floor beside her, she was still half asleep and so didn't think anything of it.

Until she heard her husband shout, "Attack" and a bouncing toddler climbed on to her bed, she looked at him sleepily and in her hazy state figured he must be the nephew she was yet to meet. But, before she could say anything, he pounced on her. He was quickly joined by her husband, they were either side of her so she couldn't escape and before she could fully grasp what was happening, they both began frantically tickling her.

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