Chapter 9

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Today was the day Cristina had been dreading. This evening her mother would arrive in Seattle with Saul and they would all go out for a meal together. Even just thinking about it made Cristina run to the bathroom and hurl. Okay, maybe that was the morning sickness, but her mother definitely didn't help.

Owen stuck his head out from behind the shower curtain, "You okay?" he asked her.

Cristina sat up and wiped her mouth, "No, I'm not Okay Owen" she hissed back at him.

She had been in a bad mood all week and now that the day was finally upon them, she was ready to snap at anything or anyone that so much as moved, especially Owen for instigating the whole thing.

"I love you" Owen offered up sensing her mood and quickly retreating back into the shower.

After his shower Owen found Cristina eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. He went up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a kiss on the check.

"Can we please cancel, Owen" she said in her most convincing and pleading voice that he usually fell for. But not this time.

"It's just 2 days" Owen replied softly.

"Come on, we could pretend that there's a family emergency" she thought for a moment, "I've got it...your brother was in a tragic car accident. It's perfect, she would be rude to intrude." she exclaimed as if she had just had a genius idea.

Owen laughed, "I don't have a brother." he replied.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know that!" Cristina mumbled.

"Cristina, I'm not killing off a fictional sibling, just so you can avoid seeing your mother for a little while longer." he said.

Cristina groaned in response.

Owen released her from his embrace and took a seat beside her and put on his most convincing face. Talking Cristina down was not easy but over time he had learned a thing or two about it. He now prided himself in being one of only two people on the planet who could do it, although it still wasn't easy for him.

"It's just 2 days" he began, "48 hours and then she'll be gone." he continued knowing that facts helped in persuading her, "Focus on today, all you have to do is go for a meal. One meal, that's all I'm asking of you. And I'll be there with you the whole time. Okay?" he finished with his best smile.

She looked up into his piercing blue eyes, "Okay" she mumbled quietly.

"But you owe me doughnuts" she added smiling.

He smiled back at her, "Whatever you want" he said giving her a soft kiss.


At work, Cristina was thankful to have back to back surgeries all morning to keep her mind off the upcoming wrath of her mother. She had just finished a valve replacement and left the scrub room smiling at her successful surgery as she made her way to 'the place with the food'.

When she got there, she picked up her usual salad and made her way over to her packed table of residents.

"Hey Yang" Jackson greeted as she sat down.

"Hi" she replied coldly.

"What's up with her?" Alex asked Meredith.

Meredith gave her a pitiful look, "Her mother's coming today." she stated.

Alex nodded his understanding, "Gotcha" he replied, he had met her last time she was here and didn't envy Cristina for having to put up with her.

"And?" April chimed in.

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