Chapter 3

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After a long discussion with Chief Webber, Cristina exited his office feeling exhausted. The events of the day along with her lack of sleep, finally taking a toll on her. Her conversation with the Chief had not gone as badly as she had expected, he was very understanding but still, she could tell he was disappointed in her.

She made her way down to the pit to find Owen, after today all she wanted was to go home with her husband and lay in his secure arms and forget the shambles this day had been.

She found him standing at a computer engrossed in his work. She went up behind him and wrapped her small arms around his muscular frame. A smile grew on Owen's face as he felt his wife's embrace.

"Hey you" he said, turning round to face her. She smiled in response.

"How'd it go with the chief?" he asked, secretly hoping she'd somehow changed her mind.

"Okay" she replied softly.

Owen kissed the top,of her head, breathing in her familiar scent.

"Ready go home?" he asked her.

"Yes" she said softly in response.

Cristina and Owen returned home to their fire house, which was still full of unpacked boxes. They were both exhausted after their emotionally draining day. After getting changed they both climbed straight into bed, too tired to even eat dinner. They resumed their usual position, in each other's arms.

"That was quite a day" Owen whispered into her hair.

"Tell me about it!" she replied.

They lay in a comfortable silence as they came to terms with the days events. It dawned on Owen that it wasn't gonna be just the 2 of them anymore. He was going to have a child! He couldn't quite believe it. He had always planned on having a family some day, but hadn't thought it would happen quite so soon. To say Owen was thrilled was an understatement, but he played down his emotions around his wife, who he knew was still coming to terms with things. Despite what others may think or even Cristina herself, Owen knew that Cristina was going to be a great mum.

He got to see sides of her that no one else did, he knew her inside out. He knew that she was scared out of her mind right now at the prospect of it all, but he also knows that this baby couldn't ask for a better mum. Sure, she wasn't the most traditional mother but he knew she would be good at it in her own way.

He instinctively placed his hand under Cristina's t-shirt and on her stomach. She flinched at first not knowing how to feel about the gesture, but eventually settled into it. She looked up at him and smiled.

Owen didn't know how the next few months were going to play out,but he knew he had to come up with some way to get her back to work. Maybe she just needs some time away from it all to realise how much she needs it. He couldn't bring himself to think of the alternative. They had a lot to talk about over the next while.

He went to delve into the topic and find out more about her feelings on everything the day had entailed but when he looked back down at her she was sound asleep. He watched her peaceful state as she slept and he hoped that she'd stay that way tonight.

Cristina woke up to the blaring of their alarm, she was still wrapped in her husband's arms, one round her waist and one on her stomach. She turned over to see his sleepy face.

"Morning" she whispered into his ear.

"Morning beautiful" he said opening his eyes and looking into hers.

He removed his arm from her stomach and reached over to silence the alarm. He stretched and yawned whilst bringing himself to sit upright.

He began to get up and started rummaging through his drawers and throwing some clothes on. He had an early morning surgery, he had to prepare for.

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