Chapter 10

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Silence fell among the table as Cristina stormed away. Both Cristina's mother and Saul had a dumbfounded look upon their faces.

Owen had watched the whole thing unfold and it pained him to see Cristina get so upset, he now understood why Cristina tended to hide things from her mother.

"Excuse me" Owen said as he got up from the table to follow Cristina.

He made his way through the sea of tables to the bathrooms, he knocked gently on the ladies. But heard no response.

"Cristina it's me" he said with his forehead against the door.

After a second, he heard the click of the lock and slowly pushed the door open to find Cristina leaning against the sink staring straight ahead.

She was tense and had a blank expression on her face. Owen went over to her and wrapped her in his arms, she immediately loosened up a bit.

Cristina was on the verge of tears, thanks to her stupid hormones, but refused to let them fall, she sighed into Owen's chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

Owen stroked her back and waited for her to speak.

"She's so infuriating!" she mumbled.

He kissed the top of her head "I know" he replied reassuringly.

They stayed like that for a while, Cristina's small frame engulfed by Owen's larger one. Owen felt the tension disappearing from her body bit by bit.

"Do you want to go back out there?" he asked her after a while.

He felt her shaking her head against his chest.

"Okay" he said pulling away from her, "I'll go pay the bill and you can wait in my truck" he said looking into her sad brown eyes.

He gave her the keys and a kiss on the cheek and she went out the back way to his truck.

Owen made his way back to their table where Helen and Saul were looking just as stunned as before.

"We're going to head home, Cristina's not feeling too well" he said grabbing his wallet from his pocket.

"It's was nice meeting you both" he added whilst throwing some cash down on the table to cover their meals.

The couple watched him as he made his way out the doors.

On his way over to his truck, Owen pulled out his phone and dialled a number, there was one person who knew how to deal with mother issues better than anyone.

"Hello" Meredith answered

"Hey Meredith" Owen replied.

"Oh no, what happened?" she asked knowing Owen wasn't just calling to have a nice chat.

Owen paused, "Well...things got pretty heated at dinner, and she ended up telling her mother that she's pregnant" he informed her.

"Oh god" Meredith sighed. "Is she okay?" she asked.

"Ummm" Owen mumbled, "I'm not sure"

"Oh, is she staring straight ahead being super scary quiet?" Meredith asked.

"Ugh yes" he replied amazed by how well she knew her friend.

"Bring her over" Meredith replied.

"Okay, we'll be there in ten" he said before hanging up the phone.


On the drive to Meredith's, Cristina remained in her quiet state. Owen tried to talk to her but the most he could get out of her was a nod. He hated seeing her like this and hated even more that he wasn't the one who could help her right now.

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