Chapter 16

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Cristina was sitting in the hospital cafeteria staring at the variety of people who gather here at 6 o'clock in the morning. There are a distinct couple of groups who would be at the hospital at such an ungodly hour, firstly there were the anxious family members of patients, they anxiously nibble on their food and check the clock repetitively. Then there are the on-callers, this category she fell in to, they all looked equally exhausted and consume coffee by the gallon to keep them going. And finally, there were the seemingly unbearable doctors who had gotten a full night's sleep and were squeaky clean and ready to start their day. She scrunched her face up as she watched them happily making small talk, ugh they really were insufferable.

Cristina was now 5 and a half months pregnant and being on call really didn't help her already grumpy mood. It was then when a chirpy Owen appeared before her, breakfast in hand, and a smile on his face, he fell into the last category.

"Morning" he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

Her mood softened slightly upon seeing him and she smiled in response.

He took a seat beside her and placed the plate on the table, "How was your night on call?" he asked her.

She picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite, "Long." She said. "I was on Mark's service and you'd be surprised by the demand for plastic surgeons in the middle of the night."

Cristina had been 'trying out other specialties' this past week, well at least that's what she called it, in reality she was still avoiding Burke. The more specialties she tried, the more she missed cardio. She couldn't help it, she was born for Cardio, and it had been too long since she'd seen a beating heart. She didn't feel like herself when she spent too long away from Cardio and so that is why she didn't object when she seen her name listed for Burke's service today, although she wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

"I missed you last night" Owen whispered in her ear as he leaned in and kissed her.

She smiled against his lips, if ever there was someone to put her in a better mood it was Owen.

"I missed you too" she said as they pulled apart.

"So, what specialty is it today?" he asked with a mouthful of eggs.

She sighed, "Actually I'm back on cardio today."

He looked at her sideways, trying to gauge her feelings on the subject.

"I can see if I can put you on trauma if you'd like" he offered.

She shook her head slightly, "No, it's time I get back" she said.

"That's too bad, I quite liked the idea of having you by my side all day."

She smiled and laid her head on her shoulder, "Ugh call me Meredith Grey, but I've got a feeling today's gonna suck." She muttered.

Owen place his hand on her bump under the table and rubbed it comfortingly as he breathed in her shampoo, "Whatever happens at the end of the day we'll go home, and I'll make you dinner."

A smile grew on her face, "Lasagne!" she exclaimed, "I've been craving it for days."

Owen laughed at her excitable reaction, "Lasagne it is" he said with a kiss on the forehead.

They were just finishing off their breakfast when Owen's pager went off. He unhooked it and looked down to see who it was. Cristina noisily glanced over his shoulder.

"Ohhh the chief, what'd you do?" she teased him.

Just then her pager went off, and to her surprise displayed the same message.

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