Chapter 20

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Hey, sorry it took so long for me to post, I suck I know. Anyways here it is...enjoy and let me know what you thought :)
Owen knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal a grinning Evelyn Hunt, clearly having the time of her life.

"Owen! Cristina! Come in!" she said holding the door open for them. Evelyn was thrilled to have all of her children under one roof for the next week.

"Hey mum" Owen said as he gave her a hug.

"Cristina, look at you!" Evelyn exclaimed as she hugged Cristina, who was now 7 and a half months pregnant and heavily showing.

"Come on into the living room and sit by the fire, it's chilly out there." She said as she ushered them further into the cabin.

Cristina took Owen's hand as she observed her surroundings, Meredith had been right the cabin was much more luxurious than she was expecting. It was more of a house than a cabin, decorated in a rustic style and sprinkled throughout with pictures of tiny grinning red heads. She made out a few of them to be her husband in miniature form.

They walked into the living room which was centred around a large fireplace. 2 large sofas sat in front of it both of which were scattered with familiar yet unfamiliar faces.

3 pairs of Owen's bright blue eyes stared back at her as they entered the room.

"Owen!" the room shouted in unison.

Before she knew it she was encircled by red heads. A big scruffy looking guy, was first to reach them. He launched at Owen and embraced him in a bear hug, next thing she knew he had Owen in a headlock.

"What's up little bro" he said as he ruffled Owen's hair.

"And who do we have here?" he asked, looking Cristina up and down.

Cristina began to feel uncomfortable as he continued staring at her, he then turned to Owen, "How?" he asked in disbelief.

Owen laughed it off, "Jacob this is Cristina, Cristina this is my older brother Jacob."

Cristina smiled and held out her hand to shake his, but Jacob had other ideas. He began to lunge at Cristina to give her a 'welcome to the family' bear hug.

Owen quickly intercepted, holding his hand up in between them.

"No no no" he said, "She doesn't need a bear hug."

"fine" Jacob replied, before he got shoved aside by his sister.

"The famous Cristina!" she said as she gave her a hug.

"I'm famous?" Cristina asked with a laugh.

Cristina noticed Charlotte had the lightest hair out of the hunts, in was more of a strawberry blonde and was pulled up into a top knot on her head. She wore ripped jeans with a band t-shirt, and she strangely felt at ease around her already. She could tell she was gonna like her.

"You are with the way he talks about you." She said pointing at Owen. "Plus, you're carrying my niece which makes you pretty famous too"

"I'm Charlie by the way"

Cristina didn't get a chance to respond before another new face appeared before her.

"Well aren't you pretty!" said the blonde lady in her thick southern accent.

She was wearing a denim knee-length denim skirt with a hot pink and blue polka-dot jumper, her eyes were not blue like everyone else's but a olive green colour.

"Look at those Curls!" she exclaimed as she proceeded to scrunch them up in her hands.

Cristina stood there uncomfortably, using all of her concentration on not letting her disgust reflect on her face.

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