Chapter 4

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"Yay, this is going to be great" Callie said jumping out of her seat. "So, first we need to get you some furniture, and then we'll need booze, lots of booze, and then..."Callie continued to ramble on listing everything they had to do.

Cristina had completely zoned out at the prospect of having to actually do stuff.

"Are you sure we can't just hire someone to do all the party planning crap?" she asked to an unamused Callie.

"I mean the last party you threw didn't go so well." She said as Callie gave her a disgruntled look.

"You know with the whole Arizona running in the opposite direction in tears, at her own surprise party." Cristina continued in a sarcastic tone. Callie visibly flinched at the mention of her ex-girlfriend's name.

"Cristina" Callie shouted, "We're doing this. And it's going to the best party you've ever been to" Callie said regaining her composure.

"I doubt that" Cristina muttered to herself.

After, brushing crumbs out of her hair and changing out of her robe, they were both presentable enough to leave the house and head to the mall. They got into a cab, and throughout the journey Callie continued to scribble down ideas and make a list of the stores they had to visit.

"Do you think a fire breather would be too much?" She asked Cristina as they approached the mall.

Cristina merely laughed and gave her a disapproving look.

"Give me that" she said, snatching Callie's notebook out of her hand.

After, going to the first store on the list, and buying all the furniture they needed. Cristina was already done with shopping.

"Okay, where to next?" Callie asked reaching for her list.

Cristina moved it out of her reach. "I think it's time for a snack" She said dragging Callie into the food court.

"Cristina, we just go here" Callie argued.

But Cristina was already ordering. She returned with 2 giant slushies, and they took a seat at a table.

After slurping down half their drinks, Callie said "We might as well start inviting people" as she took out her phone.

"So, we'll invite everyone from the hospital. Well apart from creepy Joe in radiology" Callie mumbled, and she began typing.

"And Mer" Cristina muttered whilst watching people wandering around the mall.

"What" Callie asked looking up from her phone confused. "Why not?"

"Just don't invite her, it's my party okay?" Cristina argued not wanting to get into it.

"Okay" Callie responded, she obviously wanted the gossip but knew not to push Cristina.

After several minutes of silence, Cristina looked up from her drink to see that Callie's eyes were fixed on something in the distance and they were glassing over. She followed her gaze to a young kid, flying up and down the mall on a pair of wheelie sneakers.

"Seriously Callie" She said snapping her out of her trance. "Get a grip".

"Hey" Callie replied slightly offended. Just then, Cristina got up and sprinted to the bathroom.

Callie watched her fleeing and picked up their drinks to follow her, slightly confused.

She found her sitting on the floor of a cubicle throwing up. She flushed the toilet and stood up to meet Callie.

"We're a mess" Callie joked.

"It's this stupid baby" Cristina replied annoyed.

"Stupid? "Callie replied "I thought you were happy about it"

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