chapter 28

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After 3 months

* Shawn*

3 months have passed and luna seems better . Today is our anniversary and i want to proposed to her. I feel so lucky she is mine and remembering everything we have been through ugh i feel amazed she is still with me . I had to cancel my tour for her but it was best for both of us.

Lu- shawn what are you thinking about ?

Me- about what?

Lu- you haven't listened anything right ??

Me-uuum sorry i didn't meant to.

Lu- its okay  i was talking about your tour and our anniversary.

Me-yeah what about it?

Lu- i was thinking that because you are leaving in a week, we have to do something special.

Me- yeah of course we will tell our friends to come and do a bbq maybe ...

Lu- oh that um yes sure we can do that.

Ha she thought i wasn't going to do something special. She believed it. Ha ! Its easier now .

Sh- anw i have to go meet cameron he needs to buy a gift for Rafaella, and asked my opinion because you know i am the best.

Lu- um yeah sure. Tell him about the bbq party and to bring Simon and Izy too its been a long time no seeing them . I missed them.

Me- ok ill tell him to bring the babies too.

Lu- ok bye honeyyyyyy.

Me- bye my love.

I kissed her forehead and got to the door wen i heard hem screaming my name.

Me- whaaaaat??

Lu- im gonna miss you so so so much . I've already missed you hung me really tight and don't let me go.

Me- honey what's going on ?

Lu- nothing special its just that the last three months i was a little hor-

Me- shhh its nothing i love you and i will always be here for you and its ok if we can't have a biological baby we can always adopt a beautiful baby.

Lu- but i want a baby that is mine.

Me- look we can talk about it wen i come home ok? And we can see what options we have. Ok baby ?

Lu- yeah its ok i think.

Me- good girl.
I said and tapped her head like i always do .
-Bye for now babe.

I left the house and got to Cameron's . He and Rafaella was outside with the babies.


raf- Shawwwn hey how are you ?
Rafaella said greeting me .

Cam- sup bro? How are you?

Me- im good , im good. I said hugging Rafaella and Cameron. - how are you ? the babies ? Are they ok?

Raf- yeah everything is ok . How is Luna ?

Me- ugh you know ... she is ok i think ... we are preparing a bbq party and I'm telling you to come . Hopefully she will be a little more happy ... you know ...

Raf- yeah i know ... we talked yesterday she seemed more enthusiastic about going back to work and things like that .

Cam- we are definitely coming. Wen is it ?

Sh- i think sunday or friday . Wen is it better for you ?

Raf- i think sunday its perfect right hun ?

Cam- yeah Sunday sounds perfect !

Me- ok then sunday it is !    


hellooooooo guyyyys  , i missed you so much buuuut here is a new chapteeeeer yeeeei ... i know i know am late as always and am sorry .  Anw thanku for reading and liking my story ... you are the reason i keep writing and thanku .!! Have a nice day or night depends on your country .

The end of the book is near ....


An Old Friend. Shawn Mendes [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now