chapter 4

122 11 5

-- Next day --
** Luna's POV **

My alarm clock went of. One think you should know about me is that i can't wake up properly.
'Ohhhhh shuuut uuuuup ' i said annoyed to the inanimate object ringing next to me. I hit it so hard , i thought the nigh stand would break.

'Luna wake up you got a guest ' my mom said. When did she came back ??
A guest ??

Me- Moooom who is it ?? I yelled whith no respond obviously . "I will be down in a minute. "I shouted again through the closed door of my room.

I got up put on whatever catch my eyes. It whas a mustard coloured sweater (A/N i really loooove winter clothes ) and a pair of black jeans. I did my hair in a messy bun and i went downstairs. To my surprise the guest was... Shawn?? What does he want ?
Sh- are you ready ??

Me- for what ??

Sh- did you forget ?? Cameron and Rafaella are waiting for us to meet up because of what happened yesterday.

Me- omg i really forgot that. I'm gonna change really quick. Shawn ... why did you come ?? I thought Rafaella and Cameron were going to pick me up.

Sh- they couldn't come so they send me. He said and he rolled his eyes.

** Shawn's POV **

She came downstairs and i have to say she was pretty in these sweater and that really cute messy bun.

Oh goooood , Shawn STOP thinking those things IDIOT . I cant think like that about her , she slapped me in the face i have to be angry at her. But i caaaaaan't . Yes you can. Omg i thing i am going crazy

Kid- Heeyy who are you ???
A little boy said to me.

Me- i'm Shawn. And who are you little man ??

Boy- I am alex . Luna's brother. Are you her boyfriend?? If you are , then you better take care of her or you are messing with me understand ??? He said .
I tried not to laugh of he's " angry" facial excprecion but he is soooo cute .

Me- No sir I'm not your sister's boyfriend. I'm just a... friend . Yes just a friend .
i said smiling to him .

Alex- Oh well then, now you have to take more care of her. Because friends have to love us different more than our boyfriends or girlfriends you know. Do you wanna play with me ??

Sh- sure why not . What you want to play ?? We cut off by Luna.

** Luna's POV **

What is his problem i thought we were good or that was just for yesterday ??? Anyway i went to my room and put a little mascara and a bit of lip balm. I can't live without my lip balm its treasure whoever invented that he is very very smart 😂😂. I'm not too keep on makeup cuz I've got prtty smooth face , i guess. I brushed my hair and made it in a ponytail. I was told i looked good with that style , so I thought i could show him. Wait.... show him ??? Noooo I'm not doing this for him. As i was walking towards Shawn i saw him talking to my little brother Alex. He looks so nice when he talks to kids ....
'' Sorry Alex but your sister and i have to go maybe next time '' i heard Shawn saying to Alex.

Me- you met already ?? I giggle

Alex- yes he is really cool. Come again he said to Shawn.

Me- come on we are gonna be late .

Sh- and who's fault is that kitty ?? Lets go . Goodbye Alex .
Whaaaat he just call me kitty ? Only Cam and his old best friend call me like that. You see they " invented " this nickname for me when i was 4 because i was a big fan of hello kitty 😂😂. How does he know that's my nickname ?? Well maybe its not something but... i mean he reminds me of something and i think he has the same name as the kid but... no , i don't think so. Ok I will ask him in the car.

Me- btw (= by the way ) where are we going ??

Sh- I'm not sure . First we are gonna go by Cameron's place and then we will decide

Me- Oh ok.

I really enjoy the ride with him. We listened to musing and dance

Me- stooooop you make me jealous . Teach me how to dance like that. We laugh

Sh- heeey dont make fun of me kitty I'm driving . I put the rules. He said as he drove faster.

Me - Shawn please ... slow down... please. I said with my eyes closed.

Sh- you scared kitty ?? He giggle

Me- me ?? No ? ... i said and he drove faster.. ok maybe a little bit but...SHAWWWWWN
He laugh and slow down .

Sh- ok, ok , i will slow down . Is it ok now ??

Me- Yes thank u . I sigh.

We finally arrived at Cameron's. After all of the red lights that decided to greet us ( not the sarcasm 😆 )
Maybe he is not that bad in the end.

Big chapter guys sorry . I hope you like it .
Fun fact :
Honey is the only food that will not rot . A jar of honey may remain edible for over 3000 years

Wow right ?? 😂😂
Cats or dogs ???

I like both of them i cant decide.
( 918 words woooow )
Comment and vote please 😙😙

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