chapter 3

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Me- Well i can make it up to you. My parents are gone for today soooo you are gonna be alone just the too of you (i said smirking ) because i know that Nash isn't the most silent roommate you can have 😂😂 

Raf- i would like it to be all the group.

Me- all of them ??

Raf- yes all of them and Shawn. He is in the group too now

Me- is it necessary  ??????

Raf- YES . Do it for your brother .

Me-  ok ok he can come but tell him to watch his mouth .

Raf-  ok don't worry about that you know Cam he will kill him if he do anything you don't like and i mean it

Me- yes i know anyway is it ok with you and Cameron ??

Raf- yes peanut its ok...

Me - aew i said don't call me that i don't like it .

She laughed. We were walking to my house when Cameron called and told her that he wanted to meet up alone
Raf-  you sure you dont mind ?

Me- yes I'm fine go and have fun the two of you hahahaha.

Rafaella left and i was alone witch wasn't necessarily  bad cuz that gave me time to think . Suddenly it started to rain . Perfect no umbrella, no hoodie and me running to my house , which was  about twenty minutes away. As i was running a car drove past me and stopped. Then i heard a mans voice say  "come on get in". I thought great another catcaller but it wasn't it was the jerk ... i mean Shawn

Sh- are you getting in or not ?

Me- i rather stay here in the rain than getting in your car

Sh- don't be like that . Come on you will catch a cold.

Me-  i said no . I will walk.

He gets out of the car , grabs his umbrella and starts walking in my direction.

Sh- you coming ?

I stood there confused . What ? He want to walk with me ?? Oh come on he will-

Sh- come on we don't have all day

Me- yeah I'm I'm coming .

Sh- why are you looking me like that ??

Me- nothing , nothing

The silence felt awkward so the best thing i could say was ...

Me- I'm sorry.
I said feeling guilty at myself for what happened

Sh- you are forgiven.
He laught . He has the sweetest smile, that really made me smile

** Shawns POV **

I'm sorry. She said like a little baby. She is so cute when she is not mad at me hahahahhaha.

Me - you are forgiven. I said and laughed. She laughed too . She has the cutest smile I've ever seen. Omgggg Shawn stop thinking those stupid things you like Jessica, you are in a relationship with Jessica so stop thinking like that you asshole.

** Luna's POV **

He is not that bad , i guess. We finally arrived to my house but the truth is ... i kinda liked his company .

Me- thanks

Sh- for what ??

Me- for walking me to my house , the company and for the umbrella. I giggle.

Sh- its nothing. He said winking at me as he left .
He winked ? At me ? No. No way. I refused to like him even a little.

Sh- beyyyy

Me- beyyy i waved my hand.


A/N hello guys as i promised something about me.
I have three siblings, 2 brothers and one sister . I'm the oldest ( i am 17 y.o).
Soooo what do you thing about the story?? 
What is your favourite colour?? mine is white because it has all the colours in it.


An Old Friend. Shawn Mendes [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now