chapter 20

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* the next morning*

Ooow he is sleeping soooo peaceful and calmly ... and that's were im to , i have to wake him up how ?? Weeell lets say I'll need a pillow and a lot of my love on it ! I put my pillow and started to hitting him and shouting * Shaaaaawn wake up wake up wake uuuuup*

Sh- hey hey hey what is wrong with you woman ??? Are you crazy?? I was sleeping !!! Jeeeez you can't even control your self anymore you are addicted to me.

Me- ha you wish i was addicted to you i was only playing around.

Sh- yeah sure .

Me- Yes ! Now go and make me some breakfast you peasant !

I said laughing.

Sh- im not your slave to order me things to do !

Me- ok my man i will deny my starvation for you and only. I said laughing.

Sh - ok ok i will go because i love food and im starving too.

Me- oh that's what it is .... then forget my extremely tasty and delicious fruit salads i am making you ..

Sh- when have you done something like that??

Me- oh well in my mind I've made you lots and lots of salads like these but anw i will forgive you for your attitude.

Sh- My what???

Me- your attitude honey.

Sh- jeeeeezus woman you are crazy.

Me- nah ah ah you are just to basic.
I said picking his cheek.

Sh- just. Ok anw now i will go make ME something to eat and then i will make a toast or something nasty to you to eat.

Me- i know you love so you are going to make me some of your lovely French toast aren't you ??

Sh- am i??

Me - well yes of course you are.

Sh- hmm i thing ill make some for me.

Me- shaaaawn don't be so mean!!!

Sh- im not mean you are just too sensitive to huddle me.
He said laughing .

Me- oh really? Ok then i will call Nash to bring me something to eat!


me - oh really??

Sh- yes really!!

Me- oh then watch me!
I took my phone from the desk to send Nash a message .

Sh- you are not doing this right ?

Me- oh yes i am.

He took my phone roughly from my hands and started scrolling who i was messaging.

Sh- but you are no-

Me- of course i am not messag him you dumphead.

Sh- but i thought -

Me- you thought wrong ! Now because  you didn't trust me i want an apology breakfast.

Sh- uhhh how can you do that every time??

Me- i don't know. But i know you love me sooooo you will make me the apology  breakfast.

Sh- uuuuhhhh anyway ill go make us breakfast.

Me- Good!

He looked back at me and rolled his eyes.


FIRST of all thanku  for reading this and im so so sooooo sorry for being this late but ... im trying to study  for university because yes I'm in university now and its not this pink bubble i thought it will be but anyway guy thanx and sorry again. Hope you enjoy this part and stuff ... have a nice day and i think i will finish it soon ... maybe ... i don't know we will see....

Disney faaaaaaaaact  

Thankuuuuu and luuuuuv ya sooooo much have fun with your life choices and dont give s**t what others thing of or about you !!! 😚😚😚😚

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Thankuuuuu and luuuuuv ya sooooo much have fun with your life choices and dont give s**t what others thing of or about you !!! 😚😚😚😚


An Old Friend. Shawn Mendes [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now