Twenty Four

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"Come on Y/N. You can't stay locked up in your room forever. Please come out. " Jimin said banging on my bedroom door.

After the situation with my mom, I ran in my room and locked myself inside.

Yes, I'm one of those people.

The whole situation was still shocking to me, I shouldn't have touched her. She was right after all. I should've just listened to her and looked at things from her perspective.

I tried to call, but it went straight to voicemail. She must have turned her phone off.

"You have been in there for hours. Please come out, we're worried. And we aren't going anywhere until you come out. " Yoongi commented.

"Then I guess you aren't going anywhere anytime soon. " I replied.

"Oh don't be like this! We are still here for you. Sulking in your room all day isn't going to help your situation. "

Getting annoyed with them, I got up out of my bed and opened the door.

"I'm out of my room now. You guys can leave. "

"Nope. We all know that once we leave you are gonna go back and lock yourself in your room. " Yoongi said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"If you knew I was going to do that then why did you offer to leave once I left my room?" I retorted, raising a brow in confusion.

"...Ok you got me there. Just- Come on, we want to take you somewhere,to help you get your mind off of things. "

"I don't want to go anywhere. I feel comfortable where I am now. " I said.

"Trust me, you'll be comfortable where we are gonna take you. "

"I highly doubt that "

"Stop being stubborn and just come with us!" Jimin said in annoyance.

I glared at him and he glared back. This soon turned into an intense staring contest.

Realizing that he wasn't going to back down, I sighed.

"Fine!…Take me to were you want me to go."

"Great! Trust me, you'll thank us later." Yoongi said with a wink.

At that moment, I started to question what was really about to go down.

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