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"No" I said and then with as much force as I could, I slammed the door in his face.

After a few seconds he knocked on the door and I sighed in annoyance.

"Leave me alone Jimin!" I yelled out.

"I'm not leaving until we talk things out.Please,just open the door and hear me out." He replied.

"Oh now you want to talk things out?! I called out your name and you pretended like I wasn't even there!! " I said furiously.

"Don't try to be a nice guy now that your friends aren't around! That's not how this works!! And then you go around telling people what we did together?? You are such a dick! Just leave me the fuck alone!! "

"Y/N..." He started off.

"No! Just go! Fuck off! "I yelled on anger as I balled up my fists.

I could hear him sigh on the other side of the door, and I could sense that he was hesitating.

But finally after a while he gave up and left, leaving me to sigh in a sense of relief.

I took my shoes off and then went back into my bedroom, I didn't want to risk seeing him again. And after the events that had just occurred, I really didn't have an appetite anymore.

With a sigh I plopped down onto the bed. All I wanted in this moment was to have all of my problems washed away. To not have to deal with any of this.

As I laid down on my back I stared up at the ceiling, many thoughts and questions were running through my mind.

Should I have talked to him?

Was I wrong for not letting him in?

Why did he want to talk to me now? He sure didn't feel like talking yesterday.

I sighed deeply again and finally I closed my eyes.

Before I could even try to go to sleep, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Jimin? " I mumbled to myself as I headed to my door.

I looked through the peephole to see the person depriving me from my sleep, but there was nobody there.

With a look of confusion I opened the door in hopes of finding the person, there was still nobody to be found.

I stepped out into the hall and looked around, and yet there was no sign of anyone.

I turned to go back in the house but there was something huge on the door that caught my eye.


It was spray painted in red on my door, the spray paint was dripping down so I knew that it was just written.

With teary eyes I walked back into the house and started to gather cleaning supplies.

Why? Just why?, I thought to myself.

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