Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

I just didn't get why I had to move. I felt so content in my small town with all of my friends. I grew up in Harborstone my whole life and now I was in the middle of nowhere. No one understands how hard it is to move to a new school and not know anyone in the middle of the year until they experience it.

I pushed through the front door of North Wells High School and took a deep breath.

My Mom has no idea how hard this is going to be. I know absolutely no one and I am not exactly the most outgoing person. I like to read books and listen to Ed Sheeran. I have never been to a high school party and even at my old school I only had a few close friends.

"I'm guessing you're new?" a tall girl with long brown hair asked me.

"Yeah. I'm guessing you're not?" I responded.

"Not at all. I'm Lucy, president of the student council. You look lost. Do you need help?"

"Yes, please. Where's room 315? I can't seem to find it and I don't want to be late to homeroom," I answered.

"Turn around. You were not very far off! Haha. You better be careful! You look like a freshman walking around like that," the taller girl giggled.

"Sorry. I mean I'm sorry. I'm so nervous," I began to ramble.

"Don't be. So what's your name anyways?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, silly me I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Camila. Camila Cabello," I quickly spoke.

"Nice to meet you Camila. I guess I will see you around. Remember not to get too lost around here. It's a really big school you know," Lucy added.


I opened the door to my homeroom slowly and prepared myself for the unknown.

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