Heading Back!!

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The movie ended on a satisfying note thus the couple exited the hall. Lance walked briskly and ahead of Keith; who was rubbing his right cheek to lighten the bright red handprint smeared all over it. Due to Keith kissing the girl unpredictably during the movie, he was slapped by her immediately afterward. “Lance, stop running. I’m sorry, okay?” Keith chased after the girl, eventually catching up with her. They stopped a little ahead on the street.

“What is wrong with you?! Boundaries, Keith, boundaries!” Lance exclaimed as she was fuming. She pushed back her chocolatey bangs; airing her face since she was still blushing. “I apologized! And you asked for it.” Keith retorted sassily “Just forget it. Is there something else you wanna do?”

“Just forget it” the girl spoke mockingly “Duh! We still have a lot of time. I’m not just gonna waste it. Especially since you offered to fund everything today.” Keith looked at Lance as if he was going to bite her head off but it wasn’t every day you get to do favors for your crush. “Yeah, yeah, pick something” the black paladin pointed at the array of shops before them. They had restaurants and cafés with indecipherable names which left the poor girl confused until her eyes spotted a cool cafe.

Apparently, this café catered to living cooking which Lance was really fond of as he spent time watching Hunk cook in the castle’s Kitchen. “Mullet, I wanna go to that live cooking-ish place” Lance spoke joyfully. Keith darted his look around to find the restaurant Lance was referring to and found a fishy looking place. “That’s shady, and you do know that ‘live cooking’ is just a hoax” he reasoned “they just pull fancy tricks with precooked food before you and you are served what is made in the back kitchen”

“Jee, thanks, mom. How come you are so paranoid? I thought you were more of an ‘I don’t really care’ kinda person” Lance questioned him. “With you fragile little health in question right now, even Zarkon would probably be concerned.” Keith joked causing Lance to laugh. He loved that little smile the crept on her face after she would get done laughing. At that moment, Keith really wanted to dive in for another smooch but the thought of another slap being landed on his face controlled his desires.  

“Leave all that bullshit for now. Food time” the red paladin screamed and ran towards the eatery. “I wonder how much damage food poisoning would cause him-um, her” Keith mumbled as he dragged his feet to the restaurant. When they entered the place, it seemed to better than Keith had anticipated. They had light music and a stage where a chef was cooking the food frivolously.  He threw in the spice, flipping the pan causing the flames on the stove to roar. They were shown to a booth for 2 by an octopus-like alien except it was blue in color. After being given the menus, Lance decided on his order and called the waiter. Keith on the other hand just wanted a milkshake. They placed their orders and were given 15 minutes of waiting time. This was more than enough for them to chat about the ways of life and get to know each better.

“You know after today, I really wished we would’ve known each other better back in the garrison days” Lance pondered at some old thoughts. “Yeah? So you could hate me for an even longer time” he responded.

“No that’s not what I meant. I mean, rivalry aside, you could have been a buddy of mine. Similar to Pidge and Hunk” she clarified.

“Nah, I guess we’d still dislike each other.  I didn’t even know you yet you despised me; you have totally not given me a chance if we knew each other back on Earth. I think being thrown in this ‘defenders of universe’ mess was the best way for us to get to know each other” Keith rubbed his temples. To him, it felt nice that Lance cared about him, even if it was just a friend or a comrade.

“I totally believed that, since you were probably alone on all the holidays, I would have taken you back to Cuba with me. You would have met my family, have great and fancy dinners.  I would have even let you do some field work. Mind you, I’m really fond of farming. It would be kinda like me doing you a favor” Lance was so indulged in conversation that she didn’t see that puzzled expression Keith gave her. Suddenly, he erupted into a fit of laughter and leaned back on his chair.

“Haha, I’m so grateful to you” Keith spoke sarcastically “Oh look, our food is here” the black paladin pointed at the bird-like alien who brought their food on a trolley. The food was spread before them as the waiter walked away.  It was after lifting the lid of the dishes, that Lance realized what an awful mistake he had made.

Lance was bent over by a bush as she hurled her stomach out. Keith stood beside her, rubbing her back and holding back her long, brown locks to prevent them from being contaminated. “God, I’m so regretting everythi- *hic *Blargh!” she tried to talk but another wave of nausea hit as the gooey green barf spread itself in the soil. “I told you to leave the food if you didn’t like it.” Keith stated opening the cap of a bottle of water he bought “have some”. The red paladin gladly took the water; first, she rinsed her mouth then gulped down a little to kill the fizzling feeling in the back of her throat.

“If I would have left it, then your money would have been wasted.” She tried to reason. “Money is not as important as your health. Already we are humans and this alien food doesn’t suit us. Combine that with you weak-ass immune system right now and the only possible result was this.” The black paladin lectured. “Shhh, I’m fine now. Just want to sit somewhere” Lance wheezed as she leaned over to Keith. She wanted some support to be able to walk. All the energy she recovered was probably wasted after this hurl storm.

Keith carefully took her by the arm, as if she was made of glass and pointed at some benches a few steps away. “Let’s sit there, shall we?” Keith asked as they already walked towards the seats. When they settled down, Lance was not even capable of sitting by herself thus she cuddled herself next to Keith. His presence was very supportive and helpful for Lance considering how stressful the past few hours had been for them. For the next few moments, none of them spoke a word and stared off into the sky.

Finally, Lance glanced at Keith who hung is head backward allowing Lance to rest at ease. “Who would have thought?” Lance chuckled. “Thought what?” Keith creaked open his eyes at the question. “That the almighty, lone wolf Keith Kogane would be such a romantic dude” Lance stretched herself to meet at Keith eye level “Why did you do all this for me?”

The black paladin’s cheeks tinted with pink a little at the girl’s comment. “I’m romantic? You idiot, I just care about you- my friends I mean. You are so helpless right now, I couldn’t help helping you out” Keith exclaimed bashfully. “Hey, tell me” Lance inquired as she moved over to sit in Keith’s lap. That moment was it! Keith was tomato-fied and he knew that if this princess did not get off him at the moment, he’d end up doing something for which there would be no redemption.

“Whoa, what the hell” Keith yelled as he pushed the girl away. “I wanted to know something. Are you doing all this for me because I’m a girl or because I’m Lance?” Lance inquired innocently placing her hands on Keith’s broad shoulders.  “Umm, both maybe-anyways, just get off me” Keith cried. “Nope, not happening, you oughta tell me why first!” Lance stated as dug her fingernails into Keith’s jacketed shoulders. It didn’t hurt him but gave the other paladin the satisfaction of pressuring the boy.

Enough with the blushing thought Keith as he grabbed the girl’s waist and gently pulled in her for a kiss. Lance flushed and closed her eyes since she knew what was going to happen next. As much as she wanted to reject the kiss, her body couldn’t help but be troublingly honest. It was only when their faces were inches apart from one another when the buzzer in Keith’s pocket beeped.  Startled, the couple pulled apart from one another.

“O-oh my gosh! That’s probably Pidge!” Lance spoke, flustered. The couple was not in their paladin gear to make their date seem more authentic so instead of the usual communication device in their helmets, they had that buzzer. Keith rummaged through his pocket to take it out. The light blinking on it was red which meant high alert. They had to return to the castle as soon as possible.

“We need to get back now” Lance ordered, “but, I’m really feeling exhausted, I don’t know if we can reach there fast enough”. Keith went into a state of pondering for a second when he abruptly got an idea. He kneeled on the ground and signaled Lance to hop on top of him “I’ll do the running, you get on” he suggested. “What? No way!” Lance refused blatantly moving away from Keith. Though he didn’t want to, Keith knew he had to use force now so he stood up and caught Lance by the arm. Before the girl could struggle and create a scene, he scooped her up in his arms, bridal style. “I hope you are conscious enough to not forget the cradling this time” Keith winked at Lance who was trying her best to hide her blushing face from Keith. “Aw, what the heck man” she whined as Keith flew across the ground to get back to the castle.  

New Phase Of Life (Voltron klance AU) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu