After that?! NEVER!

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Keith’s plan was to confess to Lance in the duration he was female since his girl hormones got the better of him and he was vulnerable. Once Lance would be under his spell; even after turning back male he’ll remember he was dating him that is if female Lance says yes to his confession. Keith was grinning as he briskly walked towards Lance’s room.

Meanwhile in Lance’s room; he came back running from the bridge. “Why was my heartbeat so fast been near Keith? STUPID GIRL HORMONES!”  Lance cussed while lightly tapping his chest to calm himself down. He slapped his cheeks a bit while waddling to the washroom. He was still fragile and couldn’t hold himself up properly. The water faucet on the sink gushed out water as Lance splashed it all over his face; he was heating up and need to be cooled down just when there was knock on his bedroom’s door.

“Who is it?” Lance asked trying to normalize his croaking voice. “Keith here. Open up” Keith called in which made Lance’s efforts on calming himself useless. He went over to the door and unlocked it. “What do you want?” Lance squeaked since his female voice wasn’t really working out for him”

“Let’s go on a date” Keith came up front without feeling any shame however his words almost sent Lance in a state of coma since he wasn’t responding. “Excuse me?” Lance confirmed. “Allura told me to take you out so that you can stop brooding over being a female and I repent for making you into a female. In total, we are in Rosalia where we will go for a date so that we kill two birds with one stone” Keith elaborated while running his fingers through his hair. His hair had gotten much longer but he would never consider cutting it.

“I’m not going anywhere with you!” Lance shrieked which slightly angered Keith. The black lion’s paladin waltz into the room and grabbed both of Lance’s little wrists with his big hands. He only needed one and he used it to twirl and press the feeble Lance against the cold wall of his room. “Stop being an asshole about this and come with me” Keith yelled. “After this? Never” Lance refused, making Keith’s urges grow stronger. Right now he wanted nothing more than to steal all human senses from this man- no woman. Keith turned him around once again and rambunctiously kissed his lips. He was biting on them first when he hung his hands over his head on the wall and pushed his tongue in for more action. Their tongues intertwined as Keith felt up every single inch of Lance’s mouth. Since Lance wasn’t much fond of being toyed, tears forged on the corners of his blue eyes. Keith’s kissing got more intense with every single moment till he used his free hand to feel him up inside his cardigan- just then instead of feeling a firm, hard male chest; his hands were on Lady Lance’s breast.

This snapped him back to reality and he pulled away from Lance leaving a trail of saliva between them. He let go of his hands as well which were now bruised due to his hard grip. He saw that Lance had tears in his eyes which made his heart lunge. “I-I-I’m so sorry” He stammered as he fiddled with hands trying to fix his appearance but Lance pushed him away.

“You are such a jerk *sniff* here I thought I was almost falling for you but YOU ARE NOTHING BUT LUSTFUL ASSHOLE!” Lance screamed and tried to run away from him but Keith got hold of him once again.

“I’m sorry, man I don’t know what got over me – please just come with me. Allura told me to take you. Listen, you do whatever you…Just stay under my supervision!” Keith was practically begging Lance at this point because if the crying Lance who was currently going through a lot more than anyone else at this point went out and created a scene; then it would be his ass getting whooped.

“Fine, but you are buying everything I need!” Lance sniffed. To Keith’s luck, Lance was petty enough to be satisfied by materialistic things so even though he was almost raped at things point. “Fine, whatever you need, let’s just go!”

Lance wiped his face of Keith’s jacket irking him but he swallowed his anger. The ridiculous looking couple which was not actually a couple walked out of the room and then, outside the ship. Outside they met Pidge and Hunk who were testing out a prototype of a new device Pidge came up with. “Going out?” Hunk yelled “Have fun~” he waved at the couple to bid them farewell. Thus they on their way to town…for a lovely date!  

Hope you all are enjoying it thus far.  Stay tuned for more 😘

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