Another Lost Adventure

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Navigating through the darkness of space isn’t an easy task, therefore, there are an awful lot of times when the defenders of the universe tend to get lost and remain lost for quite some time. A few hours back, an immensely strong black hole almost sucked the castle of the lions inside it as Allura and Coran tried their best to steer clear from the path of the Galra ships. Fortunately, they managed to escape from their enemies however the impact from the black hole colliding with the Galra ship sent the Castle flying into uncharted territories.
“Just great or splendid I should say. This is all that we need” Allura spoke sarcastically. While scrunching numbers on the screen before her, Pidge lets out a heavy sigh. “After all the so-called ‘adventures’ we have had together, this is hardly surprising” Pidge was absolutely unfazed by the situation and tried her best to calmly analyze where they are and how to get back on track to defeating the remnants of Zarkon’s forces.
”How about instead of waiting here like a complete moron, I go out and check our surrounding in the black lion?” Keith asks everyone frustrated. “As much as I’d like everyone to stay together I do think someone needs to buckle up and scout the area around us” Shiro agreed to Keith’s plan. “Hunk, why don’t you join him?
“This plan reeks of bad vibes, Nuh-uh I’m not leaving this ship heck this bridge for nothing” Hunk immediately denied his request. “Alright then, how about Lance?” Shiro’s next target was Lance who was completely stress-free and was playing KBP calmly on the console he bought with Pidge earlier. “Oh come on, just one more level up. Damn it!” Lance cried. “Lance! Attention please” Shiro snapped.
“I hear ya loud and clear but going in this dangerous place with Keith of all the people in the world? I bet he’d be the first to shove me down a black hole” Lance retorted since he was only pretending to not hear Shiro. “Guys please” Allura pleaded “Nothing will work out this way, please Lance go with Keith”. Her request was something Lance could never deny even in a million years. Leaving his beloved game on a save spot he gets off his seat and cracks his knuckles. “Yo mullet, let’s go. You can never do anything without me” Lance boasted and walked out the bridge.
“Asshole” Keith muttered and walked out behind him. “Be careful you two” Coran wished them luck “Hopefully you will not mess anything up since we have sufficient trouble on our hands.”
Lance and Keith got suited up and headed to their respective hangers holding the black and the red lions. Powering their thrusters at full blast, they emerged out of the castle and into space. Space is usually dark but this place was pitch black. There were no glimmering stars in this place which creeped Lance out. Instead of flying in the opposite direction of Keith to cover more ground, he tagged along right behind him.
“Excuse me?” Keith gave Lance a questioning look on the screen before him. “You’ll protect me if there is any trouble, right?” he answered him jokingly. The soared through space for at least 30 minutes until Coran called them back on the ship. “Would have taken literally 10 minutes if you could have gone the other way instead of coming behind me.” Keith sounded angry but he honestly did not mind being relied upon, especially by Lance.
For quite some time now Keith had been warming up to the idea of being with Lance. He liked him almost like a love interest. In fact, he was definitely his love interest now but since Lance was and still is unbelievably in love with Allura, he had decided to keep his feelings concealed. His feelings were the reason why he had mellowed down on teasing and fighting with Lance.
“Since this is over, I’ll go back to my game now,” said Lance cheerfully as he started to head back to the ship however ominous energy came around and sent shivers down his spine. The radars on the lion were picking up anomalies and Lance looked behind to see if Keith could feel it too when on the communication screen Shiro contacted Lance. “Lance where is Keith is?! He is not on our radars and we can’t reach him either.” Shiro asked panicked stricken. “I’m looking for him-“ the line got cut when Lance saw an orb of dark energy approach Keith’s lion. “KEITHHH!!”
Meanwhile, on Keith’s lion, he had lost all communication. Pressing everything in sight, Keith tried to call Lance but there was no response. He even tried to call the castle but no one picking up when something had stuck itself on the back on his lion. “God what the hell” he cursed as he tried to steer clear from its path. The lion would not budge from its place even though Keith was using full power. “GOD DAMN IT!” he swore loudly while he saw the red lion coming to his rescue.
“I’m coming buddy, just hold tight” Lance soared with red lion and moved at full speed to push Keith out of the way. Just before the orb could move above the tail of the black lion, Lance’s power was enough to push it out of the way. Keith braced for the impact and rattled out of the way like a broken toy. “Oh God Lance!!” Keith yelled as Lance was still in the way of the orb which immediately had swallowed him up at that point.
The black lion flew in place of where the red lion had been formerly. He was panicking as he searched around for Lance. “This is insane, where are you Lance?” he thought as he blinked back his tears. He flew his lion around aimlessly just when his communication was restored and Shiro came online. “Now that I got hold of you where is Lance?” he asked him looking concerned “Wait there is an unidentified object incoming- no wait it’s the red lion” Shiro was distracted by the number of problems emerging at the same time so he left Keith hanging and went to Hunk and Pidge and told them to bring the red lion back since Lance was not online.
Keith was relieved that the lion was okay since it probably meant that Lance is also okay. Without further delving into his already negative thoughts, he hurried back to the castle.
By the time he got there, the red lion was already in the hanger. Lance was not emerging out of the Hanger by himself so Hunk and Shiro moved in to pulled out. Keith ran out of his lion and jumped in to help Lance before Hunk could even get close helping Lance. “Yo Lance, is he okay?” Hunk asked concerned. “ I hope he is. It was on my request he went out” Allura prayed.
Next thing everyone knows is the Shiro and Keith came out of the red lion with Keith holding a girl was seemed smaller and more fragile than Lance but resembled him uncannily. This girl was, in fact, Lance who had now turned into a girl via an unprecedented phenomenon. Being given the chance to hold Lance in his arms once again made Keith blush ever so slightly. “I’ll take him-er-her to the healing capsule. His-er-her breathing is low” he shyly lowered his head on the female Lance’s now slightly puffed up chest “so is his heartbeat” he completed his sentence and went ahead before anyone else.
“Was it just me or did Lance just turn into a girl?” Hunk was usually not surprised by anything anymore but this made him look twice and pinch his cheeks to see if he was dreaming. “No I think we all saw that and I must say he looked more peaceful and prettier than any girl I have seen in my life” Pidge joked to lighten the mood but that did not help. Everyone went after Keith to the infirmary.

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