Say Hello to Lady Lance

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Lance was asleep inside the pod while the monitor showed his vitals to be normal. It had only been two hours since Lance started his recovery and Keith had been by his side like his shadow not even leaving for a moment. “What’s up with Keith? Don’t tell me he’s got the hots for lady Lance!” Hunk asked baffled with Pidge bonking him on the head for his stupidity. “Oh Allura, I need a favor from you,” Shiro asked, “Can you and Pidge go and arrange for some girl clothes for lance since the ones he’s wearing now aren’t fitting him and right now he is a girl so we must be courteous to him?”

“Well, definitely Shiro but we also need to look on how to get him back to being his old self” Allura frowned. “Not to fear my princess, I’ll go look it up right now in the castle’s archive to see what this is all about.” Coran reassured her making her grin a little when Keith finally broke his silence “It’s my fault he ended up this way”

“Excuse me?” everyone asked him what happen and exactly why is Lance a girl now. “I don’t know why he is a girl now but it started with me almost getting sucked up in that orb which spat him out near the castle. Since I had lost all communication, he jumped in to save me” Keith sounded very guilty as covered his face with his gloved hands. He was on the verge of tears as if Lance could not run back then he’ll have to live with this guilt forever.

Shiro patted him on the back to assure him that Lance will be okay while Pidge and Allura ran on their mission to get him clothes while Coran went to the achieve. “I’m going to help Coran while you take a rest Keith” Shiro comforted him once more before leaving Hunk and Keith with the unconscious Lance. Keith looked so overwhelmed by sadness that Hunk had no idea how to break this awful atmosphere. “ Look on the bright side now Keith, since Lance is actually a girl now you can confess your feelings to him and actually have and the chance of dating him and being his boyfriend” Hunk teased Keith “And don’t deny that you do not like him since is pretty obviously printed on your face.” Hunk retorted to Keith upcoming question without him even asking.

“I care for him as a friend Hunk,” Keith said trying to hide his feelings.

“Chill buddy, we live in a modern era now and nobody minds you liking him”

“But I don’t like him- who am I kidding,” Keith gave up “I do like him- actually I love him more than I thought loved. I did not mind the fact that he was a guy though”

Just when Hunk thought he might actually be getting some gossip out of Keith; Lance woke up in his pod and was blinking his eyes numbly. Keith jumped over to unlock the pod and catch the sleepy Lance in his arms. “How long was I out?” he asked yawning then tracing his female arms on Keith’s stronger and more muscular ones “And when di you become *yawn* so big buddy?” he asked Keith taken aback.

“He’s the same Lance, look at yourself in the mirror” Hunk told Lance looking a little to see his best friend still in that body even if now Lance is a girl. Lance pushed himself of Keith and looked at his reflection in the pod's glass. Instead of the usual tall and goofy Lance, he saw a girl with a similar face but longer hair of the same brown color and a smaller physique. His clothes drooping of his shoulders and his pants were also almost falling down as they were trapped in his feet. He pulled back a little on to almost fall on his butt if it wasn’t for Keith catching.

“Why am I a Lance?” Lance screamed “And don’t go around touching me as you please, Keith” Lance made Keith Pull away his hands as he gained stability on his feet. “I need clothes, this won’t work” Lance freaked out. Just then Pidge came inside with some Altean clothes which Allura had worn when she was younger with a few alterations made by her to fit lady Lance. “Thank the ancients, Lance you’re up?” Allura ran in to hug Lance who almost got crushed under the weight of her body. He had become so weak and fragile after turning into a girl which worried Allura since changing sexes isn’t always supposed to like this. His health was deteriorating but the moment then.

“Lady Lance!” Pidge called out jokingly as she tossed a knee-length skirt along with a long-sleeved top and a cardigan to Lance “These are clothes for you since this is all that will fit you at the moment. She laughed when she saw his clothes just barely hanging on his body. “Not funny” Lance retorted as he caught outfit throw at him.

He dawdled around trying to get a grip on himself as he ran out of the infirmary to go change. “Let’s gather at the bridge now everyone. Coran and Shiro must’ve come up with some solutions” Allura ordered everyone.

A little while later everyone was in the control room just when Lance enters in the skirt and shirt with the cardigan that was given to him. He tied his now long hair up in a ponytail and was standing before looking much proud of the effort he put into his female appearance. Thankfully, his foot size remained the same so he easily slipped on his sneakers rather than asking Allura for footwear as well. “Well then everyone,” Lance asked looking smug “Comments please”

“I think I might get used to this version of you more easily than the old Lance” Hunk laughed

“Glad to another girl on board” Allura smiled. “Guys, don’t forget that we need to turn him back to his old self otherwise he won’t be able to pilot the red lion” Pidge expressed to make sure no one avoids the discussion.

“You know I actually don’t mind this except the fact that I cannot pilot the red lion. Being a girl is fun like you know- I get to dress up more and I’m much lighter on my feet now. I bet my dance techniques must have gotten better now” Lance twirled around the room and sat down on his seat in the control him. All this time Keith kept on staring at him; thinking about how Lance would not how to spout any of this nonsense if only he had been a bit more cautious.

Next people to enter were Shiro and Coran “All right everyone, I looked into what that orb could have been. It turns out that it was a crux, a soul crux to be exact. It absorbs all living matter that it touches and converts them in a weaker and more fragile version of themselves. Oh, and a person’s weaker version is one of their deepest fears.” Pidge rose an eyebrow “Lance feared being a girl. HE’S A WOMANIZER, HE LOVES GIRLS. HOW CAN GIRLS BE HIS BIGGEST FEAR?” she screamed loud enough to even wake up the poor little mice sleeping on the panel.

“That, my friend, only Lance knows himself. “Okay look, I’m not even lying. THIS IS BONKERS! I am not afraid of women” Lance sashayed. He took the role of being a girl quite seriously might as well say this is the true face of Lance everyone wanted to see. “But how to revert him to his original self?” Shiro asked getting back on the topic
“Easy I must say. You poof him back in the same orb and voila! He’ll come back out brand new.” Coran smoothed his mustache feeling proud. “Then is his health deteriorating a part of the process?” Hunk asked curiously.

“My health is NOT deteriorating. I feel as fresh as a daisy!” Lance retorted. “Just look at yourself. You couldn’t walk properly a little while ago. Tell me, why did you sit down right?” Keith lashed out at Lance.
“Pardon? I can sit, stand, walk, run, talk, dance, cook, and sleep whenever I want to thank you very much. I don’t have to inform anyone - much less you about what I am going to do” Lance stood up screaming at Keith only to stumble and fall on the floor. “Ouch man that hurts!” he winced.

Hunk ran over to help him up. When Lance examined his hand to check for the wound which causes the pain, he saw that his hand was actually heavily grazed and was bleeding. “ Oh god wait, I’ll get a bandage” Hunk rushed over to get a bandage.

“Proving my point like a charm, eh Lance” Keith mocked Lance.

End of the chapter. I hope you enjoy it. More are coming up soon. Also I'll change my pronouns used for Lance as feminine ones so you know the change!

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