Ask Me Again Tomorrow (Denmark)

Start from the beginning

They seemed to ignore you as Gilbert and Alfred both called out, "MATHIAS!" at the same time.

You saw a mass of blonde; spikey hair attached to a boy, turn around and look at you with the same goofy smile as Alfred and Gilbert.

There was only one thought running through your mind: Oh great, there's another one...

"Hey Gil, Alfred!" Mathias answered back in the same tone as your other two loud friends.

You do tend to attract the loud ones don't you?

"Mathias, this is our totally awesome friend _____!" Gilbert smirked, pushing you forward into Mathias's chest.

"H-hi." Was all you could think to say. You were trapped in those beautiful blue eyes of his. They were filled with excitement and happiness. You couldn't help but stare.

"Hey! You're pretty _____~! My name's Mathias Køhler, but you can call me Mathias~!" He smiled and you blushed.

"Uh...T-thanks Mathias." You blushed harder.

"No problem elsker!"

"I have no idea what that means but thanks..?" You got out of Mathias's arms and smiled up at him. Mathias was taller than you back then. But he still is so what's the difference?

"You're welcome~!" Mathias returned the smile.

And somehow you missed Alfred and Gilbert laughing and giving Mathias a thumbs up.

*End Flashback*


The Dane's eyes lit up with hope.

Your lips curled into a smile as you looked into his eyes and responded.

"Ask me again tomorrow~!"

And then skipped off.


"I can't take it anymore guys!" Mathias growled in anger and frustration once again as he complained. This time to Alfred and Gilbert. They had known _____ for much longer than Mathias had so he figured he would ask them for advice. Tino and Lukas really didn't help that much to him.

"Keseseses~! That's _____ for ya!" Gilbert laughed with Alfred.

"No, I'm serious. She won't give me an answer! I'm starting to think she doesn't like me back." He slumped down in his chair.

"Now that's silly dude! I know she likes you! You can see it in her eyes!" Alfred playfully punched Mathias in the arm.

"Ja! She's totally into you!" Gilbert joined in.

"If she liked me back then why won't she just say yes?!"



"Exactly! She hates me! I'm going to try one more time tomorrow and then I'm just going to give up!" He got up from his chair and slammed his door.

"I sure hope _____ says yes tomorrow dude!!" Alfred said with a slight chuckle.

They were in on your little joke the whole time.


So here you were, walking down your street, Mathias hadn't tried to ask you yet and you were getting worried.

Then all the worry stopped when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around and saw Mathias.

But he wasn't his cheery self, he was sad.

"_____, I'm going to ask you for the last time. Jeg elsker dig _____. I always have and I always will. Will you be my totally awesome girlfriend?"


"I knew you would say that, I'm sorry for bugging you I'll just-Mmmmphhf!"

You interrupted the Dane by grabing his cheeks with your hands and pushing his lips onto yours. A kiss. At first he was shocked, but then he melted into it.

You broke the kiss and beamed at him. "I said yes you big idiot~!"

He returned the smile. "Jeg elsker dig _____!"

"I love you too Mathias!"

...For that one moment when his queen, would finally say yes...

"Ask me again tomorrow..."

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