Chapter 18. Werewolf x Vampire

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Vamor grabs Bainer by her ear and gently drags her off, kicking and screaming.

I am very sorry for her disrespectful behavior. Kireta bows to Ronin.

You called me sensei earlier, didn't you? Ronin says with an annoyed look.

Yes. Kireta says.

So..... Where are you from? Ronin asks.

Well, I am from the Lagon Kin......

Not this world, Dumbass. Where are you from originally? Ronin interrupts.

OH... um... I'm not a reincarnation.

You're not?!

No, but Bainer is. She taught me a little of her past world's terms.

 That explains it....  Ronin looks relieved.

Elsewhere, Vamor continues to drag Bainer into a room and flings her to the floor.

Ow... Bainer yelps.

Shut up. You are a terrible servant. Do you even have the first idea of how to be a proper servant? Vamor growls.

Well I know I am to obey my master's every wish, follow him, protect....

NO, that one is wrong! No wonder he lost. Vamor bends over and looks at Bainer with a mocking expression. You have been coddling him, haven't you?

Bainer jumps with surprise and blushes. I.. ah...yeah.. I have been doing everything for him.

Vamor walks over and helps her up. Tell me about it.

Bainer sits on the bed. I guess he is not truly helpless, but I can't help but want to do things for him.

Do you love him? Vamor asks.

Bainer just blushes.

Vamor pushes her down on the bed and pins her down, getting close to her ear. I asked you, do you love him?

Bainer scrums and tries to wiggle free. I.. I CAN'T....

Vamor smiles deviously. Then I'll just have to make you talk. She gently bites the tip of Bainer's ear.

No.. PLEASE STOP! Bainer pleads.

No one likes a weak cry baby. So there must be a reason you like him.

Vamor nibbles down to Bainer's neck.

Ple.. it's embarrassing to think about.

Then tell me. Vamor starts to pull Bainer's shirt off her shoulder, with her teeth, running her hand up her side.

OK OK!!! He is a Summon!! Bainer pants heavily.

Vamor stops and pins Bainer's hands tighter. What was his purpose for being summoned?

He is supposed to deal with a demon that was brought to this world by mistake!

And your feelings?

I know he doesn't have a chance of winning, so I swore to do whatever I could to protect him. He has been so kind to me, protected me from being killed, bought me anything I needed, even kept me warm at night. Tears run down Bainer's face. So.. So why doesn't he notice me, why can't he tell how I feel. I LOVE HIM!!!

Indrim listens from outside the door, then walks away.

Back at the Library, Kireta continues to follow Ronin around like a love-struck puppy dog.

Go away. Ronin sighs.

I must get stronger, you could train me! 

I'm not doing that.

Victor stands watching them, in his original form. Perhaps I can suggest a few things.

Great, I'm going to check on Vamor. Ronin leaves the library quickly.

Back in the room, a half-naked Brainer pants heavily.

What.... more... could I tell you? Brainer seems exhausted.

Oh, I'm not trying to get any more information, this is your punishment. Vamor giggles.

Ronin enters the room and stops with a suspicious look on his face. What the hell are you doing?

Vamor and Brainer both stare at him shocked and speechless, Vamor still on top of Brainer.

I'm not dealing with this, right now. Ronin says with a sigh, walks back out, and closes the door.

Ronin returns to his room and lays down. What a weird day. He thinks to himself.

Edgar remains speechless, still trying to process what he saw in that room.

The next day Indrim meets Ronin at the door to his room.

What's up? Ronin asks.

Indrim wraps him in a quick hug. Thank you for the other day. She quickly walks off.

You're welcome. Ronin shouts after her. He rubs the back of his head. I guess I better go deal with Vamor and Brainer. 

Ronin heads back to Vamor's room and peeks in. There on the bed, he sees Vamor asleep, huddled in her covers.

I guess I could let her sleep for a little while longer before I wreak her world. Ronin thinks to himself.

Walking down the hall, he is met by Victor. Ronin, are you ok?

I am about to either beat some ass or take some names, depending on if Kireta bothers me again.

Oh no worries there, I have him very busy studying.


After awhile Ronin returns to Vamor's room and knocks loudly.

Who is it? Vamor's voice comes from inside.

It's me...

Vamor opens the door slowly. She is indeed alone.

Ronin steps into the room and clocks Vamor in the head. What the hell was that last night?

Oww! I was interrogating Bainer, and then I....

Assaulted her?

Vamor blushes and turns her head.

I am not sure what to say. Ronin sighs.

If you are displeased with me, Master...

I am more disappointed in your methods. But nothing to be done now. What did you find out?

Well... Brainer is a reincarnation.

Knew that. Ronin thinks to himself.

Kireta is a summon.

Wait... what?

Yes, he is a summon, his purpose is to defeat a demon that came here by mistake.

I wonder if that would be Foiah?

I'm not sure. Oh and Brainer is in love with Kireta.

And you were doing what again?

Interrogation and punishment.

I don't know what I'm going to do with you... Ronin shakes his head. 

Are you going to punish me?

If you're talking about what you were doing, then no. But yes, you can start by going to help the maids with their duties.

Vamor walks slowly past Ronin.

Oh, don't worry, you don't get out of this that easy.

Vamor picks up her pace. 

Ronin turns and leave the room, as he does he sees Brainer standing just on the other side of the wall. What?

Brainer bows. Will you please help my master complete his mission?

Sure, If you confess your love to him.

Ronin walks off as Brainer stands with a shocked, blushed expression.

Will Brainer confess her love? How will Vamor be punished? And is the demon Foiah or someone else? Find out next time.

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