Chapter 4. Are We Under Attack?!

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The next day arrives quickly and with a foreboding presence, as Ronin continues his duties as King, knowing that the hour is drawing ever closer. Dark clouds, blocking the sun, opening into rain outside. Victor even seems nervous this morning as he greets Ronin in the main hall.

I guess we will find out soon what starts this adventure. Ronin thinks to himself.

I am not looking forward to this part. Edgar responds.

Do you know anything else that might help me prepare? Ronin asks Victor.

Sadly I only see images when I see the future, but I can never hear a word spoken, so no. Victor responds sadly.

That is fine, Victor, we know we are on the right path, and that is all that matters right now. Ronin smiles.

Noon draws closer as Ronin begins to tap his fingers on the arm of the throne. Suddenly a commotion can be heard in the courtyard. Men on horses rush in and swiftly dismount, the sound of armor walking up the stairs, and then the door to the main hall flys open, almost coming off its hinges as Hafise breaks through in a panic. His eyes glowing red, tears running down his cheeks, his short brown hair standing on end.

YIKES!! Ronin thinks to himself. I wonder what has him so worked up.

Hafise runs to the throne throwing himself to catch Ronin's right arm. FA...FATHER!!!

Calm yourself my son, what troubles you so? Ronin tries hard to calmly say.

Indrim, Rikao, and Dremor run into the main hall hearing Hafise's commotion.


Ronin can't move, he is so overwhelmed by the thoughts now racing through his mind, all the memories replied through Edgar's eyes. All the pain and sorrow Edgar was feeling at that very moment made Ronin feel like he was drowning. Ronin's left hand grips the left arm of the stone throne so hard the arm breaks. Ronin looks up at Indrim and Rikao, his eyes burn red with anger, as he now sees their eyes also turning red. Ronin can not control himself as he lets out a deafening roar, bearing large fangs at the sky. A gust of wind blasts off of him, knocking Hafise backward, away from the throne. The guards and maids cower in fear, against the walls.

EDGAR! Ronin shouts inside his head. YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN OR YOU WILL KILL US BOTH!! I..I can't breathe Edgar, please calm down! me....... Ronin's thoughts go silent as he passes out and collapses to the ground.

Shouts can be heard muffled behind the fog of Ronin's unconsciousness.

My King, can you hear me? Victor shouts.

FATHER!! The children shout in unison.

Time passes, as Ronin sits alone in the dark empty void of his mind, every so often shouting for Edgar to wake up. After some time of waiting, Ronin stands up and walks forward and stomps on the ground.

LISTEN, OLD MAN, YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW. WE HAVE A JOB TO DO DAME IT, AND EVERY MINUTE YOU SLEEP BRINGS US CLOSER TO WAR!! Ronin shouts at the floor. He is not dead, is he? He says in a whisper.

Finally, a mist slowly starts to rise from the darkness.

About dame time. Ronin says exhausted and standing a bit more relaxed.

Edgar in Dragon form rises with a hurricane of wind and shadow from the floor before Ronin, but Ronin is unmoved by the mighty gust.

With his eyes slitted and glowing red Edgar speaks with a boom. I WILL CUT THEM ALL DOWN!!!!



I heard everything you did, Edgar, but that is also why I was brought here. Not only to save you from that heart attack you almost had but to think clearly where you can not.

Edgar leans his face down to the floor in front of Ronin. Do you mock my pain, BOY?!

Not at all, I feel everything you are feeling, I see all the memories you do. But even with all that clouding my mind, I can still develop a plan of attack.

A plan you say? How's this for a plan, burn everything, leave nothing standing? Edgar growls in rebuttal.

Possible but ineffective to the long term goal. We do not know if this person or group of people even knew that she was a queen or even a dragon, for that matter. They might have gotten lucky and caught her unawares, or they might be insanely powerful. Nevertheless, destroying everything would hurt the Kingdom and the long term goals of a peaceful existence.

Edgar seems surprised. You HAVE put a lot of thought into this, haven't you?

I had alot of time to think while you were unconscious. Let us assume for a moment that this person IS insanely powerful AND knew she was a dragon. First of all, who would be his next likely target?

Me of course, or even the children.

Exactly! If he had a motive then he has a plan, and if he has a plan then he has a list of targets. Furthermore, if he has a list of targets, then he has the means to dispose of them.

Then we should send a squad of knights to track him down.

No, that would make him run, prolonging the discovery of who he is. After all, the knights would not be his goal, he would avoid them at every turn. We need to take this person by surprise and bring him to us, but we CAN NOT bring the conflict into the Kingdom.

So what do we do, Ronin?

We give him his next target, out in the open, where he will be sure to take the bait.


NOT the children, Edgar, US! He wants US, so we use that rage of your's and meet him head-on. From where I'm standing, had you died, that would have left the children as next, but now we have the upper hand. Am I wrong in concluding that you are not just the King of the dragons for nothing?

I am King cause I am the single most powerful dragon currently alive.

There you go! Ronin smile an evil grin, pushing up his glasses. And now you have the single most brilliant strategist in your head. I have never lost a battle to anyone, and I promise you now this will be no different!

You seem very sure of yourself. Edgar laughs.

So do you. So what do you say we go stretch our legs?

Very well, I will entrust this task to you, but know that when we find him I will hold nothing back.

I was counting on that. Ronin smiles.

Ronin awakes to see Indrim crying at his bedside. Ronin reaches over and rubs her gently on the head.

Indrim sits up with a start. OH, FATHER! She throws her arms around him.

There, there my dear, I am alright. Ronin continues to rub her head as she cries.

The pact is completed, and the King of the Dragons has decided to deal with this matter on his own. Who is so unfortunate to have crossed him?

The Dragon King, Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن