Chapter 11. No Game And No Life...

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While the maids tend to the others, would you mind indulging me for a moment, Ronin. Itsuki asks.

Sure, why not. Ronin responds.

The others follow the two maid girls out the door and shut it behind them.

Itsuki approaches a bookshelf and begins looking for a book. Am I correct in assuming you and the King have yet to reach full, let's call it resonance?

I'm not sure, I am pretty strong as is....

For human standards obviously. Itsuki interrupts. But how do you match up to the people in this world? 

Ronin thinks for a moment. Well, I have only recently raced Vamor and won, but that is all I could possibly compare to.

And did you win by a great margin? Itsuki looks over while pulling a book off the shelf.

I barely won. 

Tisk tisk tisk. Itsuki shakes the book at Ronin. You should be much faster, a blur in comparison to her.

Are you serious?

Yes, indeed. I am close, however lacking, in comparison to the King, in most aspects. Magic is more my forte, whereas the King is better with strength and speed.

So what do you propose we do about it?

We shall train you, quickly, although it may seem like months to you.


You and the King obviously have met. Itsuki sits, lacing his fingers together. How did that come about?

We were asleep.

Exactly, and the dream world moves much slower than the real one, thusly there you shall train, with the King, himself.

I like this man, funny that I never once gave thought to us being friends. Edgar exclaims.

That is all well and good, but the King is obviously more skilled than I, how am I expected to.....

This is not a matter of win or lose, this is a matter of matching your souls so that they resonate as one. 

I swear I have heard this somewhere before. Ronin thinks to himself. 

Did it work then? Edgar asks.

I think so. Ronin responds to Edgar.

Then it should work now. Game on, my friend! Edgar says with a smile.

Right! Ronin says out loud. We will do it.

Like I said, I don't expect you to run around in some silly little race, nor do battle with the... Itsuki chuckles. The beast within. But rather share things, become more aware of what each other's strengths and weaknesses are, and then fix them, together.

Let's get to it. Ronin requests adamantly.

Very well, lay down over there. Itsuki points to a long chair in the corner.

Ronin walks over to it and pauses with a blank look on his face. This looks like a shrink's chair...

Funny you should say that I built it myself from memory. I was a Psychiatrist in the other world.

I can see it, considering how traumatic some of those girl's lives might have been, I was wondering why they seemed so claim.

Indeed, I have done everything in my power to make the rest of their lives better, and I do believe I am succeeding. 

Ronin lays down on the long chair and closes his eyes.

Sleep..... Itsuki casts the spell.

Suddenly Ronin and Edgar stand face to face.

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