Chapter 1. Hero For Hire

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The year is 2020. We begin our story with a young man walking through the streets of New York City USA. It is Spring, beautiful blooms cover the trees in centeral park, as he walks excitedly along the pathway, as the sun shines through the trees with a beauty expected of any mid-morning. Around him are people playing, dogs running with their owners, joggers laughing as they run by, a child stops and looks his direction as if to wonder why the man is walking alone.

It is the perfect day, he says pushing up his glasses with a grin.

As he nears his front door, it suddenly flys open and a young lady throws a carrot at his head.

OW! he exclaims as he falls backward onto the sidewalk. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!

YOU FORGOT DIDN'T YOU?! I KNEW IT!! She cries as tears run down her face. Father is due home in three hours, and you forgot to get me groceries, Ronin!!

The following is voiced in the main character's head, as his sister yells in the background.. My name is Ronin Hitima, I am 27 years old, and that is my hell on wheels little sister Kate, she is 25 years old. We moved from Japan to America about 20 years ago with our father. As you can probably tell my father has been away for a bit, he is CEO of Moon Corp, and if you don't know what that is then your stupid. Moon Corp is the leading company in the development of the world's largest and most played MMO RPG Softwares to date. I am a competitive gamer for hire, I travel the world "assisting" VG sports teams. You could call me a consultant but I prefer the term STRATEGIST. Every team I have been a part of has seen their victories come true, names in lights, and even gained some form of fame. I am kinda like a high ranking General leading an army into battle, glorious battle, bloody terrible warfare. I live for the look of despair on my opponents' faces, it is like Heaven itself shines light upon my own face.

ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?! Kate yells, furious.

Yeah, yeah I get it, I'll run back and get whatever you want. Ronin says, exhausted.

Why did you forget, Ronin? You are usually on top of things, but today you seem off. Kate leans down with a questioning look.

I got an email "in need of a hero, apply". Ronin responds, holding up his phone.

That has to be the oddest job offer yet, but a knight in shining armor gig sounds like you. Kate giggles.

No, I think the one about the " we are nice slimes, help us" was the oddest or was it an "overlord needed, rulers welcomed", I don't know anymore. Ronin rubs his head in dismay.

"Overlord needed, rulers welcomed"? Was that some kinda kinky dungeon, teacher, spanking crap? Kate looks sickly at the idea.

Worse, I think it was cult related. Ronin jesters at his phone. But this one sounds exciting, like a full raid party.

What's the pay? Kate looks seriously at Ronin.

The amount seems to be open for negotiation, but the exact wording is "you will be paid like Royalty". Ronin answers

"Royalty" huh? Well, I guess there is no harm in meeting with them, right? Kate picks a piece of paper out of her pocket and hands it to Ronin. Get all of this SIRE and spare no expense.

Ronin looks at the list. jeez....

We follow Ronin as he walks swiftly back to the store, buys everything on the list, and then struggles to carry it all back. Back at home Ronin collapses.

Ronin breaths heavy as he exclaims, I REALLY NEED A DAME CAR!

So, are you going to email them back, Kate asks monotoned, as she begins cooking.

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