Chapter 17. Romantic Rivals

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A day later, The southern kingdom's representatives reach the gates of Dragul. He and his servant are welcomed in, while his accompanying army stands by outside. Ronin takes Edgar's form once again and prepares to welcome his guests. Indrim, Vamor, and Victor stand by the throne as an average height man enters the room. He is clothed in black, his dark brown hair slightly cover his face, and a cross neckless around his neck. Another katana looking swords sits on his hip swaying back and forth as he walks. His servant appears to be a dog demi-human, but slightly different from what the others have seen before, her ears are larger and furrier, and her tail is solid black. She glances at Vamor smiles and nobs a slight bow. Vamor smiles and nobs back as they pass.

The man in black bows to the throne. Greetings King Edgar Dragul, I am Kireta Harmata, Prince of the Southern Kingdom of Lagon, and this is my servant Bainer.

Cut the crap and get on with it. Ronin thinks in his head.

And what brings you to our kingdom? Ronin asks.

Kireta kneels. I have come to ask for the Princess's hand in marriage.

Everyone looks shocked. Vamor slowly turns to look at Ronin's face which now scowls at Kiretwo.

Can I kill him? Ronin asks Edgar.

No.... Edgar responds.

I want to kill him. I'm GOING to kill him. Ronin respond in thought.

Give Indrim the choose. Edgar responds.

Indrim, what say you to this proposal? Ronin turns to her.

I.... ah.... Indrim looks shocked and overwhelmed.

It appears you have caught my daughter by surprise. Ronin tries to state calmly as his eyebrow twitches.

Speechless, I'm sure. Kireta brushes back his hair with a smirk. 

Barner whispers in his ear and steps back.

Vamor steps up. May I speak, my King?

Go ahead, Vamor.

It is possible that she is shocked because she has received another show of affection before.

Who is this man, I will challenge him at once? Kireta barks.

In my master's stead, I will pass off your challenge to him. Vamor glares at Kireta with red slitted eyes. But be warned, my master is not a man to be crossed. Are you sure you want me to issue the challenge for you?

Bainer steps slightly forward, as Kireta speaks. Yes, send him my good regards and my challenge, please.

It shall be done then. Vamor bows and steps back to where she was.

What has she gotten me into. Ronin sighs in thought.

Well, you wanted the kingdom to know about you, I guess they will all know now. Edgar responds.

Indrim leaves the room swiftly.

We shall offer you and your servant accommodations for the night. Ronin says.

Kireta and Bainer bow and start to leave. Bainer stops and looks at Vamor with slitted eyes, and smiles wide reviling fangs. They follow one of the maids out of the room.

How the hell are we going to handle this? Ronin thinks in thought.

Ronin, Victor, and Vamor retreat to the library to work out a plan. Ronin changes back into his personal form as they talk.

I can't be in two places at once, so what do we do?! Ronin thinks loudly.

His servant should not be allowed to be part of this, either. She is undoubtedly a werewolf. Vamor says.

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