Chapter 5. Revenge Is Best Served Burnt To Ashes

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With the King's strength restored, Ronin decides to call everyone to the main hall for a meeting. Hafise, Indrim, Rikao, Dremor, and Victor all kneel before the throne as Ronin stands to speak.

We have been wrong in the worst kind of way, but our enemy could not begin to comprehend the world of pain they are about to be in. We will move our best foot forward in a decisive strike they never expected.

Yes father, please let me lead our knights into battle. Hafise pleads.

No my son, we are going to be more direct about our approach.

What shall I do?

You will stand as head of the country while I bring the enemy to me.

FATHER SURELY NOT! Hafise protests strongly.

Ronin raises his hand for silence. My son, the love of my life has been murdered. I am the next target. So I will draw this snake out and remove his head myself, with all the power of our people.

But this...

This might work. Indrim interrupts her brother. But surely you shouldn't go alone, in case it turns into an ambush.

What would you propose?

Let's see if she can predict my strategy, this will be my first test for her. Ronin thinks.

I am certain she will. Edgar responds.

I will go with you. If there is truly a group, or even one very strong individual, they will still feel confident attacking two of us as much as just one.

Ronin laughs loudly in his head. She did it, she really is brilliant! He thinks.

I told you, my daughter is truly my pride and joy. Edgar grins.

You know, if I wasn't trapped in your body, I might actually fall in love with her.

Don't start getting any ideas, remember I share your thoughts.

Hafise bows to the ground. Father is there nothing more I could do?!

My son, I am leaving you with the most important of tasks, defending our kingdom. I am confident that you will serve everyone well. You would extremely honor your old man if you would accept.

Ok seriously, I'm only 40 years old, I'M NOT THAT DAME OLD!!! Edgar shouts.

Old! Ronin coughs in thought.

Hafise raises his head and nods.

Rikao, I want you to stay. Ronin says.

As you wish, father.

Watch and learn well from your older brother's example. When I return, I expect to see your studies have advanced.

Yes, Father.

Victor, has the blacksmith finished his tasks?

Yes, your Magisty.

Ronin steps down from the throne and puts his hands on the shoulders of the princes. You will do great, I have no doubts.

The Princes hug their father close. Ronin leaves the main hall and goes to his bedchamber to prepare to leave. Looking out the window, into the courtyard Ronin can see the armor and provisions being loaded into a horse-drawn wagon. A knock comes from the door.

You may enter.

Victor walks into the room. Well Ronin, I am truly surprised at the steps you've taken, you even had armor made for the princess. Does this mean you meant to take her with you all alone?

Absolutely, I knew exactly how I was going to delegate the tasks in the worst case scenario, I'm sorry it actually turned out to be this way.

That is why I trusted you, and my trust has yet to be misplaced.

Thank you Victor, take care of be boys for us.

Your wish is my command, your Magisty.

After packing clothes Ronin meets Indrim down at the Wagon.


Yes, father.

They get in and ride off as the guards cheer for their King. After some time of travel, they reach the woods and decide to make camp before dark arrises. As soon as Indrim falls asleep, Ronin gets up.

Ready for phase two, Edgar?

Let's stretch our legs, Ronin.

Ronin grabs his new sword and heads quickly deeper into the woods, looking side to side as he runs. Soon he spots what he was looking for, the pack of wolves from the earlier reports. Ronin charges in and slices all of them to bits.

One more pack at least, I'm sure of it.

Running towards the other end of the forest he finds the other pack and deals with them just as fast as the first.

You will not be reporting our whereabouts yet. Ronin says out loud.

What was the point of this? Edgar asks.

They are most certainly familiars sent to spy on the road leading out of the Kingdom. They were not alerted because they expected to hear the sound of many knights on horses rather than a single wagon. We caught all of them by surprise, but this will only delay our enemy for so long. 

Returning to camp, Ronin enters quietly as to not disturb Indrim's sleep and beds down. Later Ronin is awoken by an uncomfortable feeling. Opening his eyes he realizes that he is bound to a tree.

Well, crap. Ronin thinks.

We might be in trouble here, these are not normal ropes, they are magically bonded so I can't break them. Edgar exclaims.

A figure steps out of the shadows as Ronin looks up.

Ronin drops his head back down. AH CRAP!!

Has our hero walked into a trap?

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