Chapter 3. The Fire Princess

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As Ronin enters the main hall, all the guards hop to attention, some even seem to be sweating as Ronin passes. Nearing the throne Indrim kneels quickly.

I hope that you are well, father. She speaks gently with uneasiness in her voice.

Ronin, pat her on the head, reassure her you are fine. Edgar says in Ronin's thoughts.

Ronin reaches out his hand and pats Indrim's head. Be at ease my dear, it was but a bad dream that Victor has helped me rectify.

Indrim stands and turns to Victor and bows. Thank you Victor, as always you are a loyal friend to my dear father.

Victor bows to her. You honor me, princess.

Ronin sits upon the throne, and motions to a guard to come forward.

The guard kneels before the throne waiting for his orders without a word.

This is Dremor, he is a loyal man. Edgar echos in thought.

Dremor, I want you to send word to my son, Prince Hafise, procure me 30 pounds of iron, 20 pounds of silver, 12 barrels of apples, 30 layers of leather, and five of the finest gems he can find, for my private stock. I understand he awaits the merchants' arrival at any moment, so move quickly.

Yes your Magisty, at once. Dremor stands and leaves quickly.

What was the purpose of that? Edgar asks.

I am preparing supplies for whatever may come my way. As I'm not sure what that is yet, I'm covering all my bases. Ronin answers in thought.

Father, you are well, aren't you? Indrim looks questioningly.

Yes, my dear, just thought I would give the merchants some extra gold for their long journey.

Indrim smiles. You are always so kind to the travelers, father.

JEEZ.. I thought she was on to me for a minute there. Ronin thinks to himself.

She is very perceptive, Ronin, tread lightly. Despite her young age, she is a decent strategist also. Edgar warns.

Dremor returns shortly. The goods have been received, your Magisty, and have been stored in your private retainers.

Excellent Dremor. You may go about your business as usual.

Dermor bows and returns to his duties.

Victor leans down to Ronin to whisper in his ear. What would you like me to do with these goods?

I will draw up a few plans, I want you to have a local blacksmith make some weapons and armor according to my designs. Ronin whispers back.

As you wish.

Indrim, have you any news to share? Ronin speaks up.

Yes, father, many different travelers have been traveling through as of late. Some have brought news of wild creatures they have met along the way. There seems to be an increase in the wolf population near the forest. In addition, the wolves are not attacking so much as following the carts from afar.

That is unusual behavior, so they are stalking but not attacking?

Indeed, they follow the carts from the entrance of the forest to the exit closest to the kingdom, but not once have attacked.

Well, if they are not causing a real issue, then there is no need to worry. Ronin thinks. 

I agree, but perhaps be warry none the less. Edgar responds.

Is there anything else? Ronin asks Indrim.

Indrim looks unease as she responds. Well there is a slight decline in demi-humans entering the kingdom lately, I would like to make an extra effort to show goodwill towards their kind.

Very well. Ronin responds quickly.

Indrim looks overjoyed at the response, and bows before leaving the main hall.

Your Magisty, would you like to retire to the courtyard for some fresh air. Victor nudges Ronin.

Ah.. yeah sure.

Ronin and Victor leave the main halls and head down a stairway to the courtyard. Sitting on one side of the courtyard is the youngest prince, Rikao, not exactly buff but well built with short, silver hair. Ronin marvels at how much Rikao reminds him of himself at that age.

Rikao looks up with a start and jumps up. Fa..father, I didn't expect you so soon.

Slacking on your training again? Victor glares at Rikao.

Merely taking a short break. Rikao shyly answers.

Remember my son, training your body is just as important as strengthening your mind. Ronin says with a smile.

Yes father. Rikao returns to his studies.

Ronin and Victor walk on till they reach another staircase leading up to a tower.

Let me share some information from my personal library. Victor says as he leads Ronin up to the tower. Once in the library, Victor pulls a few books off the shelf and begins laying them one by one opened to certain pages on a table.

Pointing to the first one, Victor reads from memory. Demon, common demi-human. Recognizable by the shape and color of their eyes. Demons are known for their strength, speed, and slight self-healing factors. Some demons can be described as humanoid whereas others look nothing like humans.

I have a feeling I opened a can of problems when I granted the Princess's request. Ronin thinks to himself.

Not so much. Edgar responds. The real problem is that we, as dragons in human form, can often be mistaken for demons since, when we get very angry, our eyes can take on the same characteristics. Victor is not reprimanding you, he is trying to teach you about our land.

Victor continues. Other demi-humans include werewolves, vampires, lizardmen, feline-humonous, k-9 humonous, rabbit people, etc. Other races that inhabit this world also include goblins, dwarves, elves, the undead, etc. Any questions?

Yes, actually, which does the kingdom have the most issues out of?

All are pretty equal in their abilities to cause problems, but the true outsider races and demi-humans would be the undead, vampires, and demons. Despite the fact that the kingdom actually has employed vampires and demons in the past, without incident.

So what did the Princess have to gain from making that request of me?

She seeks equality for all. Mind you that is a great stance for a future ruler to take, but it might also come back to haunt her if she is not careful.

I see, and the other two children, what stance do they take?

Well, Prince Hafise likes to keep to military and trade affairs, whereas his younger brother is more of a follower than a leader.

And the Queen?

I thought that would have been obvious, she takes no true side but does share a refined idea of the Princess's dream. As far as the military is concerned however, the Queen will have no part in it, whereas the Princess is an opponent no man would dream of crossing swords with.

I see, so your overall view is for me to take more time in considering future requests?

I think that would be best. Victor smiles.

I wonder if the Princess is as skilled a strategist as me? Ronin thinks

Perhaps you will have a chance to find out soon. Edgar responds.

The first day in a new world draws to a close, but what awaits our hero tomorrow? What challenges will he have to face, and can he overcome the odds?

The Dragon King, Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें