Chapter 8. The Bloodborne Elf

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Continuing on their journey, Vamor questions Ronin constantly as to who he is.

So where do you come from? Vamor asks Ronin.

From a Kingdom far beyond the sea. Ronin states while chuckling to himself in his head.

You must be strong to be the only knight accompanying the Princess on this journey.

I am decent enough. Ronin responds.

Oh how humble! Vamor plays with one of her braids, teasingly.

So what's with that sword?

Just bought it.

Edgar, kill me now. Ronin cries in his head.

Women will be women. Edgar responds.

She has never been this talkative before. Indrim looks jealous as she thinks to herself.

The wagon pulls around a corner, ahead is a group of bandits blocking the road. Ronin pulls the wagon straight up to them and stops. All the bandits draw their weapons.

Hand over everything you have and....

Before the bandit can finish, Ronin knocks him out from behind. Vamor jumps off the wagon too.

Save a few for me! Vamor charges in gut-punching one and kicking another in the face.

Vamor turns to see the rest of the bandits laying on the ground unconscious. The one she gut punched starts to get up, but she knocks him out.

You gotta be faster than that. Ronin chuckles.

Show off. Vamor thinks to herself.

Indrim sighs and moves the wagon forward. Come on you two.

They both climb back on and Idrim rides over the bandits on the way down the road.

So whose armor is that in the back? Vamor asks.

You ask a lot of questions. Ronin responds.

Well, I have to be sure I can trust you with my dear Indrim.

I think I proved that earlier.

Defeating a few bandits is one thing, an assassin is another.

Ronin glances at Vamor then looks forward. I have no worries.

We will just have to wait and see. Vamor shrugs.

Indrim, keep going, I'll be back. Ronin jumps out the back of the wagon and runs off.

He is odd, but you seem to like him. Vamor says to Indrim.

He has my trust at least. Indrim responds.

Vamer looks at her smiling, slowly pulling a knife from behind her back.

Meanwhile, Ronin runs through the hills overlooking the road. Ducking down, he sees three men hiding in a bush near the road. As the wagon nears the bush, one of the men shoots an arrow into the forehead of the horse. The horse drops to the ground, dead. Vamor leaps out and pulls a dagger. A throwing knife grazes her forehead just above her left eyebrow.

You have a shit aim. Vamor scoffs.

Pretty big talk for a traitorous bitch. The lead bandit barks.

Vamor, what is he talking about? Indrim asks.

Tell you what Princess, you are way too trusting. Vamor was sent to kill you four weeks ago, but for some reason she never reported back. And low and behold, we find her riding around laughing and smiling with you.

Indrim looks at Vamor. Is this true?

Yes... Vamor responds with her fists clenched.

Are we going to just sit up here? Edgar asks Ronin.

We have no need to get involved, besides, if I really have to, I could get down there in a flash. Let's just see whose side Vamor chooses. Ronin responds.

BUT, she has been so nice to me, she gave me food when I was hungry, cloths when I was in need. Whereas, you bastards just set by without any concern for me. Vamor cries.

Of course we set by and watched, we never expected you to live. Do you think you could actually defeat the fire Princess? We sent you to your death, behind your father's back, halfbreed.

Ronin?! Edgar exclaims.

Not yet. Ronin barks.

Vamor beings to cry again as Indrim draws her sword and steps forward, fists consumed in flames. So what makes you think you three have a chance?

You would defend this filthy little halfbreed, even after she admitted she was sent to kill you?!

YES, cause she is my friend. Indrims eyes slit and turn blood red, her arms up to her eldows now consumed in flames. And no one messes with my friends.

Those eyes, is the Princess a demon? asks another bandit.

There we are. Ronin states, standing up. They have no idea she is a dragon.

So that was what you was waiting on. Edgar sighs.

Not exactly, I have yet to see whose side she is on.

Vamor puts her hand on the Princess's shoulder. No, they are mine. Vemor's eyes glow red also as she steps forward and crouches to attack.

The bandits scoff at her, as Indrim puts away her sword and steps back as the flames subside.

You have insulted me for the last time. Vemor shouts as she charges forward.

One of the bandits blocks her dagger while another gut punches her backward, sending all her poison coated throwing knives scattered on the ground. Vemor catches herself on all fours and picks up a few knives of the ground. With a smile, she kicks off propelling herself toward into the first bandit and connects a thundering headbutt to his forehead. The bandit falls to the ground as she turns on her hand and kicks the other in the ribs, sending him flying into a nearby tree. She flips around to her feet, but stops in shock, as a six-foot-tall shadow with glowing eyes slowly walks up behind the last bandit. He turns to see it, but it is too later, the shadow swallows all three of them and drags them into the forest.

Wha.. What was that? Vemor looks on in Ah.

Oh, that was Ronin. Indrim responds. I guess he trusts you now.

Vemor turns her head slowly to look at Indrim, then jumps into her arms crying. I'm sorry Princess, I wanted to tell you, but....

It's ok Vemor. Indrim pats her on the head. All is well now.

Ronin walks out to see the scene of compassion. I guess she learned that from you. He says to Edgar.

My dear little girl is growing up. Edgar sniffs, holding back tears.

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