Ch5: Take your hand in mine

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All the guys were staring at me wide eyed and mouths hanging to the floor, I looked over at them nervous; these clothes made me feel so self conscious. "Can you ... Stop Staring at me?" I muttered and the guys all smiled and looked away embarrassed.

"Sorry Lynn....." Ashley started, "You just look very different... In a good way!" he stammered.

Though the rest of guys had stopped starting Andy's eyes were still locked on me, I blushed and Jake smacked him in the back of the head, "Close your mouth you'll catch flies." He smirked and the guys laugh making Andy blush a cute rosy color.

" S-sorry!" he walked to the bathroom, " I'll meet you guys at the party ok." The door slammed and the Jinxx and Sammi started whispering to each other. I glanced at them and arched a brow before Jeffree took my arm and smiled, "Ready for the party?"

I nodded and we walked over to the AA bus to grab Danny and Ben, I knocked on the door and Ben ran up and swung the door open. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, LYNN IS THAT YOU?!" he smirked looking me up and down; Danny followed him and almost took a spit take seeing my new look. "" he took my hand and spun me around, "You look gorgeous!" he smiles wildly and kissed my hand.

Jeffree pulled me away, "Lips off! That's my sister you're kissing." She hissed and looked at her, "Sister?" I questioned.

"Yes Lynn I am now your big sister, someone has to keep you out of trouble ...." She poked my nose and grins.

"May I remind you, that you got me wasted when we first met?" I smirked.

"That doesn't count!" Jeffree flushed and sighed giving up this battle. Danny and Ben were just laughing by this point; I looked at them and rolled my eyes. "Like you two are any better..." I muttered before Ben wrapped his arm around me, "Shall I escort you to the party my Lynn?" he grins before we all walked to the party. I met up with Jake and Ashley once there and waited for Andy, but he didn't show up.

"It's not like him to miss a party..." Ashley said nervously before turning to me, "Will you go check on him Lynn?"

I nodded and headed for the Bvb bus; I opened the door and saw Andy sitting on the couch. "Hey..." I smiled softly and sat next to him, "You ok?"

Andy looked at me and shrugged, "Sorry about earlier .... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

I blushed and looked at the floor, "No Andy it's not that .... I'm just not used to compliments like that ... It's a long story but I just was never called beautiful or well... anything positive."

Andy smiles and turns off the TV, his gorgeous blue eyes stared at me. "You wanna talk about it? We got time."

"It's not a happy story..." I whispered and looked at him, "You wouldn't like it."

He took my hands, "I don't mind." He smiles sympathetically, and suddenly I was balling and telling him about everything; "My parents died when I was eight, and I was forced to move in with my uncle and aunt. They never really cared for me and I was forced to raise myself, if I stepped out of line my uncle would beat me and call me horrid things. I put up with it and tried my best to make them happy, I told them I wanted to travel and be and artist and they got mad .... Because I wouldn't go to college for there sake, and so I ran away because I couldn't take the abuse anymore, I was so tired of being afraid." I sobbed and shook violently. "And that's why I was at the gas station, because I had no where else to go." Andy sat there speechless before he grabbed me and held me in his arms tightly, I slowly started to calm down and we just sat there.

"Lynn..." Andy whispered breaking the silence, "I'm so sorry, don't worry I got you now and I won't let anyone hurt you." He continued to hold me tight in his arms, "I swear to you I won't." I didn't say anything I only looked up at him and our eyes met, I noticed the tears streaming down his pale cheeks; he was crying? Over me? I took my hand and wiped away, "Don't cry for me Andy." I whispered before he cupped my cheeks in his hands gently. Time went still.... And our lips collided, my heart was racing a mild a minute, my eyelids shut and I kissed him back. In a second it was over and my eyes fluttered open, Andy was staring at me again. "Wow..." I whispered before Andy leaned in and kissed me again, this time it had passion and hunger. We laid there on the couch kissing for about ten minutes before Andy lifted my shirt up, I gasped and stopped his hand. "Andy wait..." I blushed and he stroked my cheek, " Andy....I um ... I never."

" We don't have to if you don't want to." He whispered.

I bit my lip," It would be my first time so ...just don't be rough ok?"

Andy nods and we start to strip down, my heart was about to burst, were we going to actually do this?! I thought but that thought slipped away when I realized the deed was done, I had lost my virginity to Andy Biersack.

Andy's Pov

I woke up on the couch without a shirt on and in my jeans, I look over and saw Lynn sleeping in my arms with her head on my chest, she was in my shirt and that's all I could tell from the blanket covering up. Her hair a mess and that's when I remembered last night..... I ... I slept with Lynn! Thousands of thoughts ran through my head and I felt like I was gonna pass out, making matter worst Ashley came out and saw us laying on the couch. He looked at sleeping Lynn then at me and his jaw dropped, "DUDE..." he whispered making sure not to wake her.

"It's not what it .... Ok maybe it is what it looks like..." I whispered and slowly got off the couch, Ashley dragged me outside the bus and punched me in the arm," Ow!!" I winced and he just started to yell. " Andrew what the fuck were you thinking?!" and the fact he called me Andrew was the key he was pissed as fuck at me, " What I'm only two years older than her so its not like I'm perving! It just kinda happened !"

We argued for maybe a half hour before Ashley pat my back and I promised him that if things happened between me and Lynn id take care of her. Once walking into the tour bus Lynn was awake and she looks over at me, “ Everything ok?” she asked with a smile. I shook my head and sat next to her grinning as I kissed temple, “ Good Morning Lynn.”  

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